Data Engineering for the Internet of Things

Data Engineering for the Internet of Things
Special Roundtable Webcast

THURSDAY, MARCH 24 - 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET

The management and analysis of data coming from devices will be the biggest challenge for businesses interested in capitalizing on the Internet of Things this year. And this challenge is not just related to the sheer volume of data at stake, but the complexities involved with ingesting, processing and sharing a growing multitude of new data sources and types, when and where they are needed to inform decision-making and business automation.

To educate its readers about the emerging best practices and key technology solutions to this challenge, Database Trends and Applications is hosting a special roundtable webcast on March 24th. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about successful approaches to building and managing a data supply chain that can create business value from the Internet of Things.

Sign up to reserve your seat today!

Stephen Faig
Research Director
Unisphere Research
and DBTA
Audio is streamed over the Internet, so turn up your computer speakers!

Brian Clark
VP of Products
Reiner Kappenberger
Global Product Management
HPE Security - Data Security
