To address a growing need for data professionals with graph database expertise, Neo4j is offering a certification exam online through its GraphAcademy.
The new certification is a response to the growing adoption of graph databases and the increasing importance employers are placing on Neo4j expertise, said Emil Eifrem, Neo Technology's CEO and co-founder.
The Neo4j graph database works differently from traditional relational databases, “connecting the dots” by forming relationships between different data sources.
According to the company industry research predicts that 25% of all enterprises will use graph databases by 2017.
The exam consists of 80 questions that must be answered within 60 minutes. Student must obtain a score of 80% or higher in order to become Neo4j certified. Exam questions span graph database basics, the specifics of the property graphmodel, Cypher syntax, including semantics for data import, creation and querying, application development with Neo4j, graph data modeling problems, and Neo4j in production, including clustering, backups and monitoring.
For more information on Neo4j and the certification, visit
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