Pentaho Labs Integrates with Python

Pentaho, a Hitachi Group company, is integrating Pentaho Labs with Python, increasing productivity and data governance, while allowing users to focus on predictive analytics and machine learning.

Through Pentaho Data Integration (PDI), the Python programming language will allow data scientists to work quickly, crunching big data sets and integrating systems more effectively, according to Pentaho.

According to Pentaho, as the field of data science continues to grow outside the world of research and statisticians, it is important for its team to arm developers with a range of programming languages. R was developed as a language by and for statisticians, while C++ or Java requires extensive coding, said Will Gorman, vice president of Pentaho Labs at Pentaho. However, he noted, Python provides developers with another option for data science with a general purposes language. 

Python provides engineers in data science the ability to develop predictive models and with this integration, Pentaho Labs is allowing customers to advance their big data deployments without risk.

For more information about the native integration, visit

Image courtesy of Shutterstock. 


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