Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

WELCOME & KEYNOTE: The Human Face of Big Data

9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Rick SmolanA major influence in our data-driven, discovery-oriented, enterprise search world is Big Data. The phenomenon might be understood by technologists, but how can the ordinary person visualize Big Data? Rick Smolan to the rescue! In The Human Face of Big Data, former Time, Life, and National Geographic photographer Smolan explored what Big Data means to real people. Today, Smolan is the CEO of Against All Odds Productions, which orchestrates global photography projects that combine creative storytelling with state-of-the-art technology. From his presentation, you will be able to better explain the data you work with to nontechnical people in your enterprise and learn how others conceptualize Big Data.

Rick Smolan, CEO, Against All Odds Productions

Search: The Enabler of Big Data Agility

9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Kamran KhanKnowledge workers are heavy users of search. It is the universal information access method. Today’s leading search products, commercial or open source, are reliable and scalable. Kamran Khan discusses how, moving forward, search has a key role to play in the democratization of Big Data. The schema-free structure provided by search systems, applied to big data content sources, will provide knowledge workers with the agility to easily test their theories and explore their ideas, unconstrained by traditional, structural limitations.

Kamran Khan, Managing Director, Accenture

Coffee Break in the Data Solutions Showcase

10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Track A — Business Insights

Moderator: George Everitt, CEO, Applied Relevance

A101: Becoming a Data-Driven Enterprise

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

The pressure is intensifying for organizations to evolve into data-driven enterprises. Learn about the leading approaches companies are using to derive insight from their data as Radiant Advisors’ Lindy Ryan highlights the key differences between traditional business intelligence and discovery. Find out how the world’s online marketplace has implemented new technologies to increase the speed of its decision-making and automate analytics from eBay’s Gayatri Patel. And hear about the correlation between Big Data and agile business, and the need for holistic strategies that include social media, mobile technologies, analytics and the cloud from Myriad Solutions’ Bhuvan Unhelkar.

Understanding How Data Discovery Relates to Business Intelligence/Knowing Key Differences

Lindy Ryan, Professor & Research Faculty, Montclair State University; Rutgers University

The Importance of Speed and Relevance to eBay and Its Big Data Strategies

Gayatri Patel, Director, Global Data Infrastructure, eBay

Big Data in Agile Business

Bhuvan Unhelkar, Principal Consultant, Services (Consulting & Training), Myriad Solutions CBAP

A102: Planning Your Big Data Project

12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.

The right planning means everything when it comes to a successful Big Data project. Learn the key questions you need to ask to ensure you set out on a path that will make your Big Data analytic deployment a success and the key challenges you need to keep in mind when running a successful Big Data infrastructure. Your bottom line is at stake.

Five Questions You Should Ask Before Diving Into Your Big Data

Elad Israeli, Founder & CPO, SiSense

Running a Big Data Infrastructure— Five Areas That Need Your Attention

Shrikanth Shankar, VP of Engineering, Qubole

Attendee Lunch in the Data Solutions Showcase

12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

A103: Big Data Requires Big Governance

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Data and information governance make up a critical quality control discipline that adds rigor to the process of managing, using, improving, and protecting organizational information. As organizations gather, store, and access more data, effective data governance enables them to not only have confidence in the quality of that data for different tasks and applications, but also ensures that security and privacy concerns are addressed. In this session, Unisphere Research analyst Elliot King discusses the key findings revealed in a new IBM-sponsored study on the current state of data governance in the enterprise and the level of maturity in managing Big Data.

Data Governance for Big Data

Elliot King, Unisphere Research

Paula Wiles Sigmon, Program Director, Product Marketing, IBM Corporation

Coffee Break in the Data Solutions Showcase

2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

A104: The Big Data Technologies You Need to Know About

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

What you don't know CAN hurt you. New technologies such as Hadoop and cutting-edge business intelligence and analytics software are offering organizations the ability to ingest both unstructured and structured data and make it available across their entire enterprise as information to support better decision-making. Join this session to learn about the key technologies, how they work, the benefits and use case scenarios to examine at your organization.

What Hadoop Can Do for Your Business

Paul Curtis, Senior Field Enablement Engineer, MapR Technologies

Data Liberation: When Real People Can Make Sense of Big Data

Amit Bendov, CEO, SiSense

A105: The New World of Business Intelligence and Analytics

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

New analytics and business intelligence solutions can help organizations conquer the future. The success of these systems has allowed breakthroughs in diverse fields, from financial service to sales, aiding fraud detection, optimizing CRM efforts, and enhancing retail experiences. In the past, these types of technologies required teams of Ph.D.-level data scientists, but now new technologies are poised to supplement or even replace these manual efforts. This session explores advances being made in analytics, as well as the key trends all analytics shops should adopt now.

Myth Buster: No Data Science Assembly Required

Daniel W. Rasmus, Founder & Principal Analyst, Serious Insights Author

Stephen Purpura, CEO, Context Relevant, Inc.

Track B — Technology Insights

Moderator: John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

B101: Succeeding With Big Data Analytics

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Innovation is harder than it looks. While most enterprises are collecting every bit and byte of data about transactions, systems, and customers, few have actually harnessed it in ways that improve their ability to address ever-shifting business problems and opportunities. This session equips you with an overview of the new business analytics paradigm emerging among the movers and shakers in the world of data. Learn why you need to rethink classical approaches to predictive modeling and analysis. Gain a deeper understanding of the right ways to use statistics to get deeper insights from your data.

The New Analytics Paradigm

John O'Brien, Principal Advisor & Industry Analyst, Radiant Advisors

Rethinking Your Approach to Predictive Modeling

Afshin Goodarzi, Vice President, Chief Analyst, 1010data

Statistical Analysis: The Key to Big Data Insights

Tassos Sarbanes, Mathematician / Data Scientist, Investment Banking, Credit Suisse City University of New York

B102: Hadoop Success Stories From the Real World

12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.

You’ve heard the hype about Hadoop. Now hear from people that have actually deployed it. Learn how Penton moved from data processing in silos to ETL-as-a-platform with Hadoop as the underlying foundation. Splice Machine and Harte-Hanks discovered a transactional, SQL-on-Hadoop RDBMS that could replace an existing relational database and provide a horizontal scale-out solution that addressed their needs. Come find out how other companies have harnessed Hadoop.

Integrating Hadoop Into Your Data Processing Environment

Raj Nair, Director, Data Platform Engineering, Penton

Migrating Your Oracle Database to Hadoop

Eric Kalabacos, Vice President of Customer Solutions, Splice Machine

Rob Fuller, Managing Director, Product Innovation Center, Harte-Hanks, Inc.

Attendee Lunch in the Data Solutions Showcase

12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

B103: The Future of Data Warehousing

2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Data warehousing today is all about massively parallel data processing. So is Hadoop. Seems like a perfect match ... or is it? Drawing from his experience leading database projects at major companies worldwide, Alex Gorbachev walks you through pure-Hadoop data warehouse design and discuss the key aspects, including data modeling, data ingestion/ETL, reporting and analytics. Are there unique challenges compared to an Oracle-based data warehouse? Find out and hear a lively discussion on the future of data warehousing from Alex Gorbachev and a group of panelists from industry leaders Appfluent, MapR and Syncsort.

Building a Hadoop Data Warehouse

Alex Gorbachev, CTO, Pythian

The Future of Data Warehousing: Panel Discussion

Paul Curtis, Senior Field Enablement Engineer, MapR Technologies

Steve Totman, Director of Strategy, Syncsort

Shawn Dolley, Vice President, Corporate Development & Strategy, Appfluent

Alex Gorbachev, CTO, Pythian

Coffee Break in the Data Solutions Showcase

2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

B104: NoSQL for the Enterprise

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Dive into the world of NoSQL. Gain a deeper understanding of the key technologies, the issues they solve, and their impact on the enterprise. When is NoSQL the best tool for the job? When is SQL a better answer? Find out in a comparison of real-world problems solved using each approach. You also learn how NoSQL databases can seamlessly integrate with your mainframe data in real time. Find out how when Big Data and Big Iron intersect in this special session.

When to NoSQL and When to Know SQL

Simon Elliston Ball, Head of Big Data, Red Gate

Unlocking Mainframe Data for NoSQL

Gregg Willhoit, Managing Director & General Manager, Rocket Software, Inc.

B105: Overcoming Big Data Integration Challenges

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Big Data analytics is understood to be a path to competitive advantage. However, it can only be effective if it presents a clear and trusted picture. Big Data is inherently messy: a combination of unstructured files and structured records scattered across domains. This can be exacerbated by mergers and acquisitions, which can make maintaining correct and complete data expensive and time-consuming, as well as regulatory compliance, which forces many global businesses to maintain data silos in various jurisdictions. This presentation compares and contrasts approaches for handling complex enterprise data integration and replication, including DIY, existing applications, and emerging solutions that offer promise.

New Solutions for Complex Data Integration and Replication

Mason Sharp, Chief Architect, TransLattice

Tara J Bruckert, Director of Technology Solutions, Attunity

Welcome Reception in the Data Solutions Showcase

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Rick Smolan
Rick Smolan
CEO, Against All Odds Productions
Anne Buff
Anne Buff
Thought Leader, SAS

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