
The Importance of Defining a Data Access Process (VIDEO)

Video produced by Steve Nathans-Kelly

In a presentation at Data Summit 2019, Booz Allen Hamilton principal Shelly Brown covered the various components of the company's ADAPT+C approach to solving customers' analytical problems, and why it established a clearly defined data access process. 

Within an organization, data is in all different places and there are internal analytics groups many times working within a particular data context. "You've got your people data, you've got your business data, etc., and it's in a data warehouse."

DBTA’s next Data Summit conference will be held May 19-20, 2020, in Boston, with pre-conference workshops on Monday, May 18.

In the course of considering the analytics and data that could be in a cloud environment and what could be accomplished in the cloud with customers, Brown said, "We had a bunch of conversations over the course of several months and what I realized is, many of those data owners don't really think about the data in the context of raw data. They think about it like reports. So they would say, 'Shelly, we can give you this data. What exactly do you need from it?' And they would provide me with a report. And I said, 'I don't want the report. I actually want the raw data.' And they said, 'Oh, you want it on a per-staff-member context?' And I said, 'Yeah, because that's really the only way we're going to start to make linkages.'

According to Brown, the best way for for her team to work through that approach has been to identify an action officer or a champion for each of those data sources, someone who has the ability to think a little bit differently, and really be a catalyst and spur culture change within their part of the organization.

Many presenters have made their slide decks available on the Data Summit 2019 website at

To view Brown's entire presentation, "ADAPT+C: A Framework for Building a Data-Driven Organization," go to
