
Trends and Applications

The mainframe is the most important IT asset for many organizations today, keeping operations up and running and providing the performance and number crunching required by essential technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. Yet, the security of the mainframe is often taken for granted, especially by modern CIOs or CISOs who typically cut their teeth in the world of distributed networking.

Posted August 11, 2020

The role of cloud computing in today's enterprises continues to accelerate, fueled by both market pressures to compete more aggressively against digital-savvy competitors and, more recently, by the COVID-19 crisis, which has prompted a massive shift to digital work and consumer engagement. While it's clear that cloud computing has a vital role to play in supporting new and existing applications, it presents difficult choices for data managers.

Posted August 11, 2020

Enterprises with forward-looking and well-honed data strategies will be able to navigate, and recover more quickly from, today's turbulent economy than their less data-savvy counterparts. However, even leading tech-forward companies are struggling with ways to employ data resources to better reach their customers and markets.

Posted August 11, 2020

In the future, the year 2020 may be seen as the critical turning point for digital transformation. The COVID-19 crisis has prompted individuals and organizations to reevaluate how they function, increasing reliance on online transactions, new strategies for collaboration and management, and innovative work-from-home approaches. The result has been a dramatic spike in data, which, of course, is the lifeblood of business today. To help companies make their data-driven goals a reality, each year, Database Trends and Applications presents the Readers' Choice Awards, providing an opportunity to recognize companies whose products are selected by experts—you, the readers.

Posted August 06, 2020

It has never been easier for businesses to collect significant amounts of data about their customers, their business, and their operations. However, there must be proper processes and systems in place to streamline the approach of making sense of all this data. Otherwise, it can be a needle in a haystack type of situation, limited by time and bandwidth even though the answer is in there.

Posted July 01, 2020

As hybrid cloud models evolve into the new standard for enterprise storage and the ability to quickly and easily extract value from digital assets becomes ever-more important, storage expertise remains critical. According to Gartner, by 2025, 40% of workloads will reside in the public cloud, 30% at the edge and 30% on-premise—compared to the 80% on-premise in 2019. However, storage managers must move beyond their traditional roles in response to this changing landscape—a challenge that many are embracing.

Posted July 01, 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus, and the global pandemic that has ensued, has pushed millions of workers across the globe to work from home. This sudden sea-change in connectivity models and workforce management has left some businesses facing technical difficulties, as IT teams struggle to support hundreds or even thousands of workers on existing network capacity.

Posted July 01, 2020

At Data Summit Connect 2020, DataStax VP Bryan Kirschner discussed how to create value with data. Citing an article from The Economist, Kirschner noted that data is the world's most valuable resource, and data creates new rules for competition. This reality is changing how technologists and strategists think about orchestrating processes and tools as well as the priorities for all companies.

Posted July 01, 2020

Whether their strategy is acquiring new customers or building the profitability of existing customers, marketers need that holistic customer view. Since they are on the front line, making them an afterthought in the centralized data process will under-serve the enterprise.

Posted July 01, 2020

From data quality issues to architecting and optimizing models and data pipelines, there are many considerations to keep in mind with regard to machine learning. At Data Summit Connect, a free 3-day series of data-focused webinars, a session, titled "Unlocking the Power of Machine Learning," provided a close look at the challenges involved in using machine learning, as well as the enabling technologies, techniques, and applications required to achieve your goals. As part of the session, Rashmi Gupta, director data architecture, KPMG LLC, explained how to use tools for orchestration and version control to streamline datasets in a presentation, titled "Operationalizing of Machine Learning Data." Adding to the discussion, Andy Thurai, thought leader, blogger, and chief strategist at the Field CTO (, shared how infusing AI into operations can lead to improvements with his presentation, "AIOps the Savior for Digital Business Unplanned Outages."

Posted July 01, 2020

DataOps has emerged as an agile methodology to improve the speed and accuracy of analytics through new data management practices and processes—from data quality and integration to model deployment and management. Traditional methodologies for handling data projects are too slow to handle the teams working with the technology. The DataOps Manifesto was created as a response, borrowing from the Agile Manifesto.

Posted July 01, 2020

As part of Data Summit Connect 2020, Joe Hilger, COO and co-founder of Enterprise Knowledge, LLC, and Sara Nash, a technical analyst with the consultancy, presented a presented a pre-conference workshop on knowledge graphs, which are becoming an increasingly valuable tool that organizations are using to leverage the vast amounts of data they collect, store, and analyze.

Posted July 01, 2020

This year more than ever before, customers are turning to online transactions in response to decreased physical mobility due to the COVID-19 crisis, employees are working from home, and an uncertain economy is demanding smarter ways to compete. At the root of all these capabilities is data and the ability to analyze and act on data-driven insights. What technologies are coming to the forefront to enhance enterprises' ability to compete on data? We asked a number of leading industry experts and solution providers to describe what they see as the most impactful technologies shaping today's data environments.

Posted June 29, 2020

Modernization is driving many of today's enterprise data strategies—and cloud stands out as the primary vehicle for attaining this modernization. However, many enterprises are struggling with data quality issues, as well as integrating cloud-based and on-premise data.

Posted June 10, 2020

Organizations are increasingly turning to cloud data warehouses for advanced analytics and data visualizations. Solutions like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and more provide immediate value with secure and easy access to any data with near-infinite scalability. However, the convenience of having all of that data accessible from one platform makes full transparency and control essential.

Posted June 10, 2020

This year more than ever before, customers are turning to online transactions in response to decreased physical mobility due to the COVID-19 crisis, employees are working from home, and an uncertain economy is demanding smarter ways to compete. At the root of all these capabilities is data and the ability to analyze and act on data-driven insights. What technologies are coming to the forefront to enhance enterprises' ability to compete on data? We asked a number of leading industry experts and solution providers to describe what they see as the most impactful technologies shaping today's data environments.

Posted June 10, 2020

Database technologies are constantly changing and adding new options for enterprises. At Data Summit Connect, a free 3-day series of data-focused webinars, a session titled "The New World of Database Technologies," looked at two key NoSQL databases, MongoDB, a cross-platform document oriented database, and AnzoGraph DB, an MPP (massively parallel processing) graph database designed to accelerate data integration and scalable analytics.

Posted June 10, 2020

Today, there is a constantly evolving list of data management issues that organizations are contending with. In addition to pressures of exploding data volumes, there is urgent demand for real-time data-driven insights as well as more widespread data access. Expanding regulatory mandates also demand greater data quality and governance, as do cybersecurity threats. Whether cloud-based or on-premise and open source or proprietary, there are many options for data management and analytics. Spanning the spectrum of well-established and cutting edge, the DBTA 100 list recognizes companies that are innovating and preparing for the future.

Posted June 10, 2020

Today, there is a constantly evolving list of data management issues that organizations are contending with. In addition to pressures of exploding data volumes, there is urgent demand for real-time data-driven insights as well as more widespread data access. Expanding regulatory mandates also demand greater data quality and governance, as do cybersecurity threats. Whether cloud-based or on-premise and open source or proprietary, there are many options for data management and analytics. Spanning the spectrum of well-established and cutting edge, the DBTA 100 list recognizes companies that are innovating and preparing for the future.

Posted June 10, 2020

What more companies need today is a "data lab" to create ideas from data and a "data factory" to turn those ideas into products. Google, Amazon, and other data-driven giants already work like this. So should companies outside of technology. 

Posted May 13, 2020

Informed business decisions are backed by data and the actionable insights workers are able to glean from various datasets.  However, if you're a data steward, data engineer, data scientist, analyst, or anyone else requesting data to answer important business questions, the easy access to people with data and data context is suddenly and indefinitely gone.

Posted May 13, 2020

Business and IT have, in the past, used times of crisis to adapt and transform themselves for the better. While the COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably had a devastating effect on business, and life itself, it may also be a catalyst for change, compelling organizations to rethink their long-term operations and spending amidst the short-term crisis brought on by the health emergency. Industry leaders recently discussed what "the new normal" may look like.

Posted May 13, 2020

In almost every organization, databases are where the most valuable information resides. Databases have lots of sensitive data in a concentrated form that is specifically designed to be easy to search and analyze. That makes databases a high-value target for bad actors and increases the priority for most organizations to secure the database.

Posted May 13, 2020

We live in a business world that craves instantaneous response times, especially in terms of the responsiveness of modern transactional applications. Customers expect to make a money transfer, pay a bill, or buy a product online in a matter of seconds. This insatiable desire for speed to customer parallels the need to increase speed to market for these modern apps. With development activity accelerating through DevOps, do we ever stop to consider the increased demands this is putting on batch processing?

Posted April 08, 2020

To get a full appreciation for the incredible pace of change in business technology, look at the past 6 years. In 2014, IDC published a report that said that, by 2020, the digital universe would contain nearly as many digital bits as there are stars in the universe, and the data we create and copy annually would reach 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes. Guess what? It's 2020. And it turns out IDC was correct in assuming that we were about to endure a data deluge.

Posted April 08, 2020

With $3.6 trillion in mergers and acquisitions completed in 2019 alone, M&A activity has been booming. However, a merger or acquisition isn't just a business decision and a business process. It's also a massive undertaking on the IT side, as you figure out how to migrate and integrate business applications and business data.

Posted April 08, 2020

The hype around DevOps and its potential to drive greater ROI across a wide range of enterprise operations increased substantially in the last decade. However, as these expectations carry into 2020, organizations will start to take a more sober approach to DevOps implementations. While DevOps was initially seen as a widespread solution to all sorts of enterprise IT issues, the implementation of DevOps approaches is now shaping up to become more strategic and focused, with much of the emphasis on how to maximize the ultimate return on investment.

Posted April 08, 2020

DevOps, DataOps, AI, and containers all lead to one important innovation for enterprises seeking to be more data-driven—and that is greater automation. Data-driven enterprises cannot function if data resources and applications are in any way being manually administered, deployed, remediated, or upgraded.

Posted April 08, 2020

When it comes to DevOps, developers increasingly recognize databases to be code sets that require ongoing integration and deployment. They are "another code deployment which can and should be managed, tested, automated, and improved with the same robust, reliable methodologies applied to application code," according to the authors of a recent survey of 2,000 developers.

Posted April 08, 2020

Cutting-edge startups are constantly emerging to address new challenges and problems in ways never thought possible. Many of these young, innovative companies have fresh approaches that tap into blockchain, quantum computing, advanced analytics, AI, DevOps methodologies, containerization, and data security advancements. To shine a spotlight on some of the ways innovation in IT is being reflected today, here, DBTA presents 28 companies we think are worth watching in 2020.

Posted April 08, 2020

2020 DBTA Readers' Choice Awards: Vote NOW!

Posted March 05, 2020

One of the primary objectives of any high-availability architecture is to ensure that any single points of failure are eliminated, such as cluster nodes connecting to a single SAN. If you are running SAP in the cloud, you can take advantage of your cloud provider's availability zones, which may exist in different geographic regions. Although a high-availability cluster can be deployed within a single zone, the zone itself is a single-point-of-failure. If the zone becomes unavailable, end users may lose access to the entire cluster.

Posted March 05, 2020

Organizations have progressively pushed more infrastructure from on-premise data centers into cloud data centers. Some of this is driven by the desire to reduce costs, but more often than not, organi­zations are realizing that the infrastruc­ture required for the level of connectiv­ity, data growth, and analytics needed for success in a modern organization is well beyond the reach of homegrown infrastructure.

Posted March 05, 2020

DBTA Announces the 2020 Database DevOps Innovation Award Winners

Posted March 02, 2020

Zions Bancorporation Automates and Aligns Database Change Delivery with Datical

Posted March 02, 2020

PASS Implements Modern Database DevOps Approach with Redgate Software

Posted March 02, 2020

SelectHealth Accelerates App Development with Delphix Dynamic Data Platform

Posted March 02, 2020

Although it can be challenging for enterprises to try and maintain this pace of innovation, they have plenty of tools available to make it possible, including augmented analytics, which aims to capitalize on the large quantity of data. Gartner predicts that this next wave of analytics, which integrates AI and machine learning technologies into analytics workflows, will be a big disruption in the coming years.

Posted February 10, 2020

While organizations are adopting cloud for some areas of their database estate, very few are migrating totally. DBAs now need to manage hybrid estates that combine on-premise and cloud deployments. No wonder that 23% of respondents see migrating to the cloud and integrating with the cloud as their biggest challenge over the next 12 months. Ensuring they have the ability to monitor their entire estate from a single tool is therefore vital if DBAs are to remain on top of their workloads.

Posted February 10, 2020

For data managers, AI and machine learning not only offer new ways of delivering rapid insights to business users but also the promise of improving and adding intel­ligence to their own operations. While many AI and machine learning efforts are still works in progress, the technol­ogies hold the potential to deliver more enhanced analytic capabilities through­out enterprises.

Posted February 10, 2020

For years, if not decades, database managers have been struggling with the challenges of providing as much access as possible to corporate informa­tion assets while at the same time protect­ing these crown jewels. All of this work, of course, has had to take place within the confines of relatively tight budget and resource constraints. Now, a new generation of solutions and platforms holds great promise in releasing profes­sionals from the more mundane aspects of their jobs to devote more time to the activities that matter to their businesses. However, even with database automation and cloud resources abundantly available on the market, many database managers still spend inordinate amounts of time on low-level tasks.

Posted February 10, 2020

One of the great challenges with catastrophic events is that they can come from any number of sources, so business owners must make sure they're prepared for all types of disasters. Preparation is the only way to avert disasters and ensure your operations will continue without significant disruption.

Posted January 02, 2020

Data is the lifeblood of all organizations in today's era of digital business transformation. Because it is, the corporate spotlight is especially bright on DBAs who are tasked with ensuring users and applications always have access to the data on which they depend. Considering the hit to a company's bottom line, and potentially to its reputation in the market, when infrastructure and information becomes unavailable, it's easy to see how important it is for these DBAs to have access to the highest-quality, expert technical support professional when help is needed.

Posted January 02, 2020

Trend-Setting Products in Data and Information Management for 2020

Posted December 04, 2019

Think about the last time you filled out a paper form and contrast that with how many times you've filled out forms online. We live in an era where everything is digital. Forms are online, every click is captured, and even personal lives are documented on social media. The first wave of digitization led to more BI and better data-driven decisions. But, as we head into 2020, the focus has shifted from BI to operational analytics. Traditional BI was focused on enabling executives to make decisions using historical data. It was accelerated by technologies such as Hadoop, which were built for scale but could not deliver results.

Posted December 01, 2019

As we stand at the start of a new year and on the precipice of a new decade—the 2020s, DBTA reached out to industry leaders for their perspectives on not only what's ahead in the year 2020 but also what they see developing as the next decade unfolds.

Posted December 01, 2019

Clouds and Autonomous Databases are Poised for Growth

Posted December 01, 2019

The IT industry is going through a major shift from centralized data centers to dispersed deployments across a variety of cloud and on-premise platforms. At the same time, availability is becoming more critical. Recently, Dave Bermingham, technical evangelist of SIOS Technology, shared his views on the current state of high availability in the cloud, and what organizations need to do to ensure continuity of service. "When moving to the cloud, the first thing you will discover is that the traditional SAN-based failover cluster for HA is no longer an option," he noted.

Posted December 01, 2019

Whether you are reading the news, going to the store, dealing with customer service or sending a package, it has become apparent that AI is becoming part of our daily lives. We can see this on more of a macro level with the automotive industry and its adoption of AI to improve the overall driving experience, as well as the healthcare industry as it uses the technology to automate the process of identifying and ultimately diagnosing high-risk patient groups. Even the agriculture industry is taking advantage of AI to improve operating efficiency and assist with the automation of essential farming processes.

Posted December 01, 2019

Businesses have a great deal of experience developing and implementing data protection strategies that allow them to recover from attacks on their on-premise IT environments. However, increasingly, enterprises need to begin considering a new threat to their IT environments. This threat is malicious actors using "zero-day" vulnerabilities—vulnerabilities that are so new, they cannot be patched before they are exploited—to attack and bring down the major cloud providers that organizations are increasingly relying on to host critical applications and data.

Posted October 31, 2019

