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Five Minute Briefing - Data Center
September 3, 2013

Five Minute Briefing - Data Center: September 3, 2013. Published in conjunction with SHARE Inc., a bi-weekly report geared to the needs of data center professionals.

News Flashes

CiRBA, a provider of automated capacity control software, announced a new administrative console designed to enable organizations to automate new workload routing and capacity reservations processes. The console is designed to integrate with existing job scheduling or workload automation systems, Andrew Hiller, co-founder and CTO of CiRBA, told 5 Minute Briefing.

Red Hat, Inc., a provider of enterprise open source solutions, announced new initiatives within Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure, including the introduction of the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Promotional Offering. The move to OpenStack, the open source private cloud infrastructure, represents a new approach to enterprise cloud computing, Andrew Cathrow, senior product manager at Red Hat, told 5 Minute Briefing.

Software AG announced it is acquiring JackBe Corporation, a provider of real-time visual analytics and intelligence software. Providing rapid deployment and enterprise mashups of different data sources, JackBe will serve as the foundation for Software AG's new webMethods Intelligent Business Operations Platform. The new platform is designed to provide customers with an integrated, real-time awareness of dynamic operations and processes via visualizations.

Trend Micro says it is collaborating with VMware to integrate Trend Micro's Deep Security with VMware NSX, the platform for network virtualization. The goal is to provide a security framework for joint customers that increases protection and automates security deployments in virtualized data centers.

Think About It

Where Does The Data Center End and the Cloud Begin?
