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Five Minute Briefing - MultiValue
December 16, 2020

A comprehensive monthly publication filled with news and insight serving the MultiValue database community.

News Flashes

BlueFinity is enhancing Evoke for the retail market in response to the impact of COVID-19 on the business sector. Using Evoke, retailers are now able to design and deploy the apps that specifically meet both their needs and the needs of their customers, and they do not have to employ specialist app developers to do it but can use their existing staff to create apps.

The year 2020 will be remembered as a time of great upheaval-forcing companies to quickly adapt or succumb to the changing tide of digital transformation. Today, being data-driven is the goal of all companies, whether long established or born digital. To help make the process of identifying useful products and services easier, each year Database Trends and Applications magazine presents a list of Trend-Setting Products.

Total Computing Solutions (TCS), a division of Zumasys, is updating the features and functionality of its TotaLink credit card processing software to make compliance simpler and integrations for MV platforms smoother. Built-in signature capture through native PICK calls into TotaLink software, allowing customers to avoid purchasing costly dedicated signature capture devices.
