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Five Minute Briefing - MultiValue
June 24, 2020

A comprehensive monthly publication filled with news and insight serving the MultiValue database community.

News Flashes

Pick Cloud recently assisted All Vend in moving the corporation's D3 application from on-premise to cloud with ease. All Vend is a management company that uses a D3 based proprietary system to provide their clients with a single source to set up and manage subcontracts with service companies, mitigate customer service issues, monitor insurance coverages and, collect, reconcile, and generate monthly sales reports on the thousands of vending machines serving their clients.

As COVID-19 continues to make its way throughout the world, Rocket Software is offering users and partners a virtual way to continue getting acclimated to MultiValue tools and solutions. Rocket has created a virtual series of deep tech training to connect the dots to new technologies so people understand how it relates to cloud, containers, and more. Dubbed MultiValue University, the virtual program includes demonstrations, seminar type training, interactive Q&A, and exercise examples.

Spanning the spectrum of well-established and cutting-edge, the DBTA 100 is DBTA's way of recognizing companies that are preparing for the future. Several leading MultiValue companies make the cut again this year including Entrinsik, Kore Technologies, Revelation Software, and Rocket Software.

Think About It

This year more than ever before, customers are turning to online transactions in response to decreased physical mobility due to the COVID-19 crisis, employees are working from home, and an uncertain economy is demanding smarter ways to compete. At the root of all these capabilities is data and the ability to analyze and act on data-driven insights. What technologies are coming to the forefront to enhance enterprises' ability to compete on data? We asked a number of leading industry experts and solution providers to describe what they see as the most impactful technologies shaping today's data environments.
