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Five Minute Briefing - SAP
September 25, 2013

Published in conjunction with the Independent SAP Technical User Group (formerly the International Sybase User Group), this monthly publication contains news, market research, insight for the SAP user community, as well as ISUG-TECH news and information.

News Flashes

Accenture and SAP are expanding their global alliance by providing clients with end-to-end solutions running on the SAP HANA platform. Accenture will be the single point of contact for clients handling contracts for all software and services, allowing clients to focus on deployments of the solutions, either as a public or private cloud service. The first offering ready for release is the Marketing Performance Solution by Accenture and SAP, which enables chief marketing officers (CMOs) to view and act on centralized key marketing performance data such as sales figures, media spend and social reach in near real-time.

Attunity Ltd., a provider of information availability software solutions, has released a new version of its data replication software intended to address requirements for big data analytics, business intelligence, business continuity and disaster recovery initiatives. Addressing expanding use cases for the solution, Attunity Replicate 3.0, is engineered to provide secure data transfer over long distances such as wide area networks (WANs), the cloud and satellite connections, said Lawrence Schwartz, vice president of marketing at Attunity, in an interview.

SAP's latest BusinessObjects business intelligence solutions suite, version 4.1, has just been released. With this release, SAP is seeking to address the needs of the three very different users that BusinessObjects caters to - the decision maker, the business analyst, and IT developers building applications - with one product line. In addition, with this release, SAP has put a strong focus on something customers were demanding - stability, Jason Rose, vice president of product marketing at SAP, said in an interview.

SAP AG has introduced a new offering to speed adoption of the SAP HANA platform for customers running SAP Business Suite software. The offering automates the migration process through a series of preconfigured software, implementation services, standardized content and end-user enablement. Delivered as a complete package with a modular approach, the SAP Rapid Deployment Solution allows customers to take advantage of a simple and pre-integrated framework that helps them unlock value quickly, Elvira Wallis senior vice president of analytics, Database Technology and Mobile Solutions Packages, at SAP, tells 5 Minute Briefing.
