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April 2019

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Trends and Applications

Enterprise agility isn't a single initiative but rather a collection of activities and technologies that lead toward that goal. This includes adoption of microservices, containers, and Kubernetes to increase the flexibility of systems, applications, and data by releasing them from underlying hardware. In addition, practices such as DevOps are helping to increase the level of collaboration possible for fast-moving enterprises.

Many companies and government organizations have jumped on the data bandwagon and are hoping to analyze as much data as possible to discover something that might give them a competitive edge or change their operations. Instead of big insights, they have petabytes of big data. They've become compulsive data hoarders while struggling to develop an actionable plan for that data.

There's not a business out there that wouldn't want to defend itself against fraudulent activities, hacking attempts, and operations disruptions. And with cases of fraud and cyberattacks on the rise—$16 billion was stolen from 15.4 million U.S. consumers in 2017—businesses need to pay attention to solutions that can help them identify this kind of behavior. Here's where anomaly detection comes in.

How Machine Learning is Changing the Way We Think

Data-driven attributes that businesses are relying on for growth in the digital economy—AI, machine leading, and the Internet of Things—require databases that are robust and flexible. However, many enterprises are encumbered by the licensing and support issues that typically accompany database systems, resulting in potentially high and unexpected costs, as well as skills shortages.

Columns - Database Elaborations

When working on a multidimensional design, every fact table within scope should be handled with care. In an ideal world, each low-level fact table represents the metrics related to a business event. The meaning of a fact table, ideally, should be evident based on the table name and the composition of the fact table's primary key. Deciding on a primary key for a fact table is an important choice.

Columns - DBA Corner

One of the most important and rapidly changing areas of database management is security and protection. The major DBMS vendors have been adding security features and improving the way you can protect your precious corporate data. But it can be difficult to keep up with these features, so let's take a brief look at some of the more interesting and useful database security options.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

Navigating Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Services can be a little overwhelming at first. However, creating Compute and Database Instances in OCI is relatively easy as Oracle has limited many of the options available when configuring an Oracle Database system. Some of the terminology may be unfamiliar but it should not be difficult to master for a seasoned Oracle DBA transitioning to a cloud database architect.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

How do we define database workload? Good question! I've researched many approaches to this question and still don't have a definitive answer or way to measure. Let's dive into some of the research and personal thoughts I've had around this topic.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

The implications of CAP Theorem, more than anything else, led to the schism in modern database management systems. With the rise of global applications with extremely high uptime requirements, it became unthinkable to sacrifice availability for perfect consistency.  Almost in unison, the leading Web 2.0 companies such as Amazon, Google, and Facebook introduced new database services that were only "eventually" consistent but globally and highly available. Google has tried to resolve this database schism with its Spanner SQL database.

MV Community

For the second year in a row Entrinsik Informer has been named a Top Performer in the Business Intelligence Software category for the Winter 2019 Customer Success Report published by FeaturedCustomers. Entrinsik Informer received an overall score of 93 earning a Top Performer award in the category.

ONgroup is forming a strategic partnership with Maverick Systems, allowing the company to promote and support MVON# and NetBuilder. "MVON# is the future of MultiValue, and we are excited to be part of this journey," said Dick Thiot, Maverick CEO.

jBASE hit a milestone earlier this month as the platform celebrated its 30th anniversary. Utilized by more than 300,000 users around the world, jBASE became part of the Zumasys portfolio in 2015 at which point the company began enhancing the product and investing heavily in research and development.
