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August 2017

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Trends and Applications

Hackers are rarely far from the news these days, whether they're perpetrating cyber-intrusions into political campaigns or take-downs of major retail websites, social media sites, movie studios, or entertainment conglomerates. But some of the "hacking" headlines can be deceiving. In fact, a significant number of cybersecurity breaches around the digital world actually represent a kind of all-too-familiar crime that is as old as the abacus.

The future value of hybrid cloud computing is to empower customers to embrace a cloud strategy of their own, versus being dictated by a vendor. A hybrid cloud environment is defined by the customer—a hybrid cloud solution should not dictate where or which cloud the customer must use with their on-premise installation. Although this may seem obvious, large vendors often ignore this critical point, as they dictate choices based on their (lack of) capabilities.

We're still very much in the early days of artificial intelligence (AI). However, money is pouring into AI initiatives at astounding rates, and enterprises need to move at a deliberate speed to adopt and leverage AI across their systems, applications, and data.

Columns - Database Elaborations

There is an old joke that a tourist in New York City is lost while sightseeing and notices a musician leaving a taxi; he walks up to the musician and asks, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The musician responds, "Practice, practice, practice." Obviously, such jokes are doomed to obscurity as people now will simply use the navigation app on their phone. However, the advice itself, in its own way, will always be relevant—practice, practice, practice.

Columns - DBA Corner

Referential integrity (RI) is a method for ensuring the "correctness" of data within a DBMS. People tend to oversimplify RI, stating that it is merely the identification of relationships between relational tables. It is actually much more than this. RI embodies the integrity and usability of a relationship by establishing rules that govern that relationship.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

You may think your company is behind the curve because you are not 100% in the cloud. Very few companies are there, and most won't make it all the way to 100% due to security, performance, or other strategic reasons. Most, however, are at least getting some workloads into the cloud for price, scalability, and competitive advantage. If you are just starting your journey, here are a few things to consider.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Poorly written SQL statements can cause significant performance problems in your database environment. According to some experts, poorly written SQL can cause up to 70% of performance problems overall. Adding resources can mask many issues surrounding poorly written SQL, but comes with a cost. Is writing good, quality SQL (including block code—stored procedures, packages, functions, etc.) a dying art? And if it's so important, why is that?

Columns - Emerging Technologies

The emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology may prove to be almost as significant an innovation as the internet itself. Blockchain offers a mechanism for the mediation of any transactions that previously would have required trusted third parties, while cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin may eventually become a significant alternative to traditional "fiat" (e.g., government-backed) currencies. These technologies could eventually revolutionize the global banking infrastructure which has underpinned global commerce for centuries.

MV Community

BlueFinity International is launching a new solution called Evoke, a new rapid business app development platform that will integrate with all major SQL and MultiValue databases. Designed for development and deployment of mobile, desktop and web apps, Evoke allows companies to build business apps more easily and to extend their enterprise applications to customers, employees, and partners.

Kore Technologies, a provider of enterprise integration and e-commerce solutions, has introduced version 4.4 of Kourier Integrator Data Management Suite. The release enhances Kourier Integrator's support for RESTful Web Services with the addition of API Subscriptions and Swagger API documentation.

ONgroup is releasing an improved version of the MV# Developer Studio, enhancing editing in .NET and making improvements to the user interface. MV# Developer Studio 2.0 has been enhanced to be a contemporary editor running in .NET that works for all MVON# customers.
