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February 2014

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Trends and Applications

In order to be effective, big data analytics must present a clear and consistent picture of what's happening in and around the enterprise. Does a new generation of databases and platforms offer the scalability and velocity required for cloud-based, big data-based applications—or will more traditional relational databases come roaring back for all levels of big data challenges?

New IOUG (Independent Oracle Users Group) research underwritten by EMC looks at the problem of mission-critical-application downtime and its impact on organizations. According to this new global survey, among respondents with at least two data centers and rapid replication solutions, 46% indicate are less than satisfied with their current strategies.

There's no doubt that the management at Target had a miserable holiday season at the end of last year, between all the bad PR that came out about the online theft of 40 million customers' data records—later revised to be even higher—and the costs of providing disclosures and working with banks, and the headaches of potentially expensive lawsuits that are being filed. Such is every organization's nightmare, the price of openness and accessibility. According to a new survey of 322 data and IT managers, there is a growing awareness among enterprise executives and managers about the potential issues to enterprise data security.

The hyperscale market is just beginning to drive major transformations in compute infrastructure. Companies deploying hyperscale architectures serve the widest customer segments, build the largest data centers, and break new ground with real-time, data-centric services. To do so, they require hundreds of petabytes of server-side non-volatile memory to effectively provide the services that better the lives of their global customers.

Columns - Big Data Notes

Solid State Disk (SSD)—particularly flash SSD—promised to revolutionize database performance by providing a storage media that was orders of magnitude faster than magnetic disk, offering the first significant improvement in disk I/O latency for decades. Aerospike is a NoSQL database that attempts to provide a database architecture that can fully exploit the I/O characteristics of flash SSD.

Columns - Database Elaborations

In many organizations, users find it hard to trust their own internal information technology (IT) group, leading them to try any possible option to solve problems own their own. The resulting stealth IT projects can lead to confusion or even complete chaos.

Columns - DBA Corner

Metadata is required to make data usable by applications, yet many data professionals do not understand or simply ignore metadata management. Just think about the metadata you must manage on your iPod—or whatever MP3 player you use—to be able to successfully select the music you want to hear.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

When it comes to implementing a big data strategy in a Microsoft SQL Server shop, you're generally going to consider three approaches, one of which is a cloud implementation. SQL Server 2012, and even more so in the upcoming SQL Server 2014 release, has built out a very strong Apache Hadoop infrastructure on Windows Azure called HDInsight. Despite all its goodness, it is in the cloud—and a lot of people aren't ready to go there yet.

MV Community

A new test drive feature for Entrinsik Informer allows visitors interested in trying the reporting and business intelligence software to access a free trial version instantly on their own web browser. Entrinsik Informer provides access to real-time data from multiple sources, in-depth analytic capabilities, and intuitive data visualizations, all accessible anytime, anywhere from a web-based interface.

Kourier Integrator 4.1, the next release of Kore Technologies' flagship enterprise data management suite for data warehousing and application integration, will provide enhanced inbound integration capabilities for UniData/UniVerse (U2) applications from other third-party systems or databases using a simple template-based approach, the company says.

Pragma Systems Inc. and BlueFinity have formed a partnership that allows BlueFinity's mv.NET application to support SSH access to Windows servers running applications on UniVerse. The vendors say this represents the first utilization of Pragma's SSH Fortress, Windows, and UniVerse all running in combination across the infrastructure.

Rocket Software has released SB/XA 6.2.3, which provides new features to enable users to be more productive. In addition, the second phase of the mobile early preview has started. U2 Web DE will allow users to expose existing stateful RBOs via the U2 REST Server, and includes a RESTful RBO API, as well as other enhancements.

Mission-critical applications in the banking, education, retail, healthcare, oil and gas, government, and travel industries depend on trusted MultiValue database systems. Yet, new requirements are emerging for MultiValue technology vendors to support integration with other enterprise data sources, enable mobile and web access, provide comprehensive business intelligence, and enforce greater security. In this special report, executives of seven leading MultiValue companies discuss how they are responding to their customers' evolving needs.
