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January 2023

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Trends and Applications

Moving to the cloud may seem, on its surface, a good way to better manage the quality and viability of data resources for enterprises. However, as data accelerates its move to the cloud, the complexity involved in assuring quality and viability has only increased.

Uncertain economic conditions, skills shortages, rising automation, increasing regulation, and digital disruption—all add up to a stew of both challenges and opportunities for data managers in the year ahead. Emerging technologies—and new attitudes—are reshaping the look and scope of the information management landscape, with implications for overall business strategies and individual careers alike.

Columns - Database Elaborations

A good data architect is a gift to their organization because they achieve results that advance an organization's data maturity. What kinds of characteristics lead to a data architect being considered good to great? One of the first traits needed is attention-to-detail. Many tasks that fall under the data architecture umbrella may have very repetitive and tedious aspects.

Columns - DBA Corner

Most database implementations are anything but static. Once deployed, databases are queried, updated, loaded, unloaded, reorganized, and data is deleted and inserted from them on an ongoing basis. Data is also moved around and replicated all over the place. All of these activities resulting in database changes cause storage requirements to change as well.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

MongoDB is often found within a complete application stack that combines multiple technologies to deliver functionality to users both within and outside of the organization. Very often, organizations want to create automated workflows that propagate information automatically between disparate technologies. 

MV Community

As a result of customer demand, BlueFinity is extending of its professional services division with a group which will focus on "Intro Apps." Intro Apps are created by BlueFinity for their customers using the Microsoft centric Evoke low-code/no-code development platform and is a fast and inexpensive way of going live with a modern, fully working app that is integrated with a customer's existing applications.

Entrinsik announced Entrinsicon is returning in-person in 2023 in Raleigh, North Carolina at the Marriott Crabtree Valley. The conference will take place September 26 - 29, 2023. Attendees can connect with hundreds of Enrole and Informer users from around the world to learn, reconnect, and discover the latest advances Entrinsik technology.

Delivering technology alone will not be enough in 2023 as we move into a post-COVID landscape. Many companies are dealing with a hybrid workforce while also moving to become more sustainable and accustomed to new ways of integrating emerging technologies such as AI. To help make the process of identifying useful products and services easier, each year, DBTA presents a list of Trend-Setting Products. Several MV leaders including Kore Technologies, Revelation Software, and Rocket Software continue to meet the new challenges of each year and again top this list.

Rocket Software is introducing a new person to the role of MV Product Evangelist, who will help underscore the importance of its MultiValue technologies, and advocate for MV customers. The MultiValue Product Evangelist, which is Mike Rajkowski, is a multifaceted, bidirectional advocate. He will promote what MV can do for customers and encourage feedback to understand what the customer may need in addition to what Rocket Software provides.
