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July 2019

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Trends and Applications

Earlier this year, Google became the first major tech giant to be hit with a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) fine—approximately $56.8 million. The stated reason: not giving users enough information about consent policies and sufficient control over how their personal data was being used. However, according to a recent report, 86% of businesses use live customer data for application testing because testers believe this provides the most realistic assessment of how an application will perform "in the wild" for real people. This poses significant risk to organizations.

The Perils of Ignoring Employee ‘Leaver' Data in Regulated Industries

The Right and Left Brain of DevOps and Security: How to Gain a Meeting of the Minds Instead of a Battle of Wills

Columns - Database Elaborations

Data virtualization enables the ability to have one or more data stores that break the bank processing-wise, because they can physically exist once but logically exist in multiple transformed structures. Occasionally, IT managers get the idea that data virtualization is a more generic answer, presuming that if it works for the big data, it can work for all data.

Columns - DBA Corner

The latest release of Db2, version 11.5, unleashed on the world in June 2019, is being marketed by IBM as "The AI Database." AI promises to be one of the biggest technological game-changers of this century as it enables computing devices and systems to take on more activities that heretofore had to rely on a human. But, what does IBM mean by an AI database?

Columns - MongoDB Matters

MongoDB gained popularity with  developers very early on, but serious database engineers were often skeptical about MongoDB architecture and implementation.  One area that came under some criticism was cluster consistency.

MV Community

Evoke is releasing the final phase of its multiple developer system to its low-code Rapid App Development Platform, supporting a group of developers working on the same app at the same time. It is designed to maintain the integrity of the project by monitoring the development efforts of various developers, controlling the acceptance of these developments in to base projects, and maintaining version control of the project as a whole and that of the individual developer's sub-projects.

ONgroup is introducing a new web-based administration tool to simplify and streamline administration of the MVON# environment. Open files, program variables, subroutines and executes are all monitored, providing a holistic view of the system and how it is performing, allowing for continuous improvement and more effective administration of the MVON# system.
