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March 2018

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Columns - Database Elaborations

Many organizations talk about data governance, but rather than establishing an ongoing governance process that is involved with every project, the governance is viewed as a one-time task to be slogged through, over with and done. Such myopic approaches will only lead to failure. Data governance is like life, it is the journey, not a destination.Proper data governance brings commonality to an organization; it leads the journey to a single version of the truth. A single version of the truth does not mean everyone must kowtow to a single metric, but it does mean distinct calculations unique to dissimilar sub-groups have different specific names at the corporate level, even if those naming differences are subtle.

Columns - DBA Corner

DBAs spend a great deal of time monitoring and managing the performance of database systems and applications. But it doesn't have to be such a large percentage of their time. Yes, changing data patterns, requirements, and time will always conspire together to create performance problems. But more can be done to avoid the up-front poor performance of most database applications.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

It's understandable that those new to MongoDB - a so-called "schema free" database - might assume that they no longer need to be concerned with the art-science of data modeling. However, in reality data modeling is just as important in MongoDB as in other databases. Indeed, because of some of the modeling principles for MongoDB are less well understood, arguably, more attention needs to be given to the data modeling process.  

MV Community

Groware is one of Canada's leading providers of software for the grower and nursery markets. Over the years, the company's software has been through several iterations. This year, Groware partnered with global IT company Bluefinity International to use its rapid app development platform Evoke.

Duplicates are often the exact opposite of what we want. The discovery of one's evil clone, for instance, would be far from an ideal scenario, in most people's minds. In all seriousness, though, one hardly need look to science fiction for examples of how the proliferation of duplicates is a common nuisance of our modern lives.
