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March 2020

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Trends and Applications

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One of the primary objectives of any high-availability architecture is to ensure that any single points of failure are eliminated, such as cluster nodes connecting to a single SAN. If you are running SAP in the cloud, you can take advantage of your cloud provider's availability zones, which may exist in different geographic regions. Although a high-availability cluster can be deployed within a single zone, the zone itself is a single-point-of-failure. If the zone becomes unavailable, end users may lose access to the entire cluster.

Organizations have progressively pushed more infrastructure from on-premise data centers into cloud data centers. Some of this is driven by the desire to reduce costs, but more often than not, organi­zations are realizing that the infrastruc­ture required for the level of connectiv­ity, data growth, and analytics needed for success in a modern organization is well beyond the reach of homegrown infrastructure.

Columns - Database Elaborations

From CEO to presidents, VPs, directors, to any number of mid-to-low level managers, the concept of hierarchies is pervasive in organizations. But, if one is dealing with a relational DBMS, a hierarchy remains an awkward concept.

Columns - DBA Corner

Ensuring the integrity of the organization's databases is a key component of the DBA's job. A database is of little use if the data it contains is inaccurate or if it cannot be accessed due to integrity problems. The DBA has many tools at his disposal to ensure data integrity. At a high-level, there are two aspects to data integrity.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

Applications written in NodeJS are particularly synergistic with MongoDB since JavaScript objects (JSON) are native to MongoDB and to Node. So, it might seem strange at first that an ORM-like layer—Mongoose—has emerged. Why would we want a mapping layer between JSON objects and a JSON database?

MV Community

With a new year and a new decade just beginning, MultiValue leaders are anticipating new opportunities for this well-established technology. There are many issues to consider, including what customers are currently looking for in their MV solutions, whether MV is ready for AI, and the impact of cloud, security, and privacy concerns. In this annual MultiValue Special Report, DBTA asks MV executives this two pronged question: As we enter 2020, what will spark the next set of trends in the MultiValue space for the decade ahead, and is your MV platform ready to address new demands?
