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May 2015

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Trends and Applications

To transform data into value, IT must move from thinking about what it does to data, and instead focus on business outcomes and what can be done with the data to advance the business, according to Edd Dumbill, vice president, strategy, Silicon Valley Data Science, who gave the welcome keynote at Data Summit 2015.

These days, managing a data center can be like working inside a pressure cooker. Virtualization, dynamic computing, cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things—each major development turns up the heat, but budgets, staff, and skills often lag behind explosive growth in data center scale and complexity.

Microsoft SQL Server has become a business-critical database for a growing number of enterprises that rely on it to run a wide range of essential business processes. As enterprises look to continuously improve the efficiency of their data centers, they face the challenges involved in improving their ability to provide high availability and disaster protection for SQL Server.

Columns - Applications Insight

You would have to have been living under a rock for the past few years not to have heard of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is an electronic "crypto" currency which can be used like cash in many web transactions. At time of writing there are about 14 million bitcoins in circulation, trading at approximately $250 for a total value of about $3.5 billion.

Columns - Database Elaborations

The objects and relationships identified within any database design need to match with the very subjective realities considered true within a given organization. An optimal data model must incorporate the semantics of the business and provide for a structural arrangement supporting the necessary corporate instrumentality. And that model should do so, even if in the details things within the model are contrary to what other organizations may consider to be the nature of their reality.

Columns - DBA Corner

Every now and then, somebody will raise the age-old question "How can I measure the effectiveness and quality of my DBA staff?" This can be a difficult question to answer. And it almost always hides the actual question that is begging to be asked, which is "How many DBAs do we need?"

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

With all the cheerleading and the steady drumbeat of new features being released to Azure, it's easy to lose track of the many cool and valuable new features released in the on-premises version of SQL Server. One of the crown jewels of SQL Server, the cardinality estimator (CE), underwent a large redesign for SQL Server 2014 to improve performance. Cardinality estimates are an extremely important part of query processing. In a nutshell, cardinality estimates are what the relation engine predicts for the number of rows affected by a given operation, including intermediate row sets like those created by filters, aggregations, joins and spool.

MV Community

To provide a single point of access for customers so that finding resources is easier, earlier this year, Entrinsik implemented Zendesk. Zendesk is an online help desk and customer service system that assists in managing Entrinsik's support cases.

Kore Technologies, provider of solutions for enterprise integration, data warehousing, business intelligence, and integrated e-commerce web solutions, recently helped Wittenberg University with a multi-faceted project to improve data access.

RevCon is Revelation Software's conference that covers a wide array of topics on Revelation Software. Revelation Software users' conference this year focused on Revelation Software's flagship product, OpenInsight, and the new capabilities of version 10.0.
