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May 2018

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Trends and Applications

Cybersecurity Sourcebook 2018 Looks at Evolving Data Threat Landscape

Neural networks and deep learning are frequently recognized as the key to futuristic innovations like facial recognition, with consumers paying up for the novelty of using their visage to unlock their phones, and police squads partnering with AI startups to catch criminals. But the use cases for neural nets extend well beyond those flashy scenarios, and innovations in hardware are enhancing accessibility, signaling that it's time for more companies to find appropriate business cases for their industry.

Organizations worldwide are grappling with the requirements of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and it's no secret that finding ways to remain compliant has become one of the most visible challenges, and one that has dominated the conversation. What's more pertinent; however, is the root of the problem: outdated systems which organizations use to track and understand where their data lives. This has grown more difficult day-by-day, as the amount of data collected by organizations grows exponentially. GDPR is a good forcing function to spur them to dig into this problem before it gets worse.

Voting Ends Friday for the 2018 DBTA Readers' Choice Awards

Columns - Database Elaborations

Agile approaches to projects have been touted by many organizations across the globe.  IT shops frustrated over expensive projects falling well shy of their goals have been desperate for change. These anxious organizations race into trying Agile as a solution to their woes.

Columns - DBA Corner

The relational optimizer is a very complex component of the RDBMS that we too often take for granted. The optimization techniques of the major RDBMS products continue to be improved with every new release, too. Relational optimization has saved countless hours of work and, as long as we use it properly and code our applications with knowledge of what optimization can do, the RDBMS can be used for a wide variety of requirements and use cases. Don't lose sight of that as you wend your way through the hype out there regarding new types of database systems.

MV Community

Entrinsik, Inc., developer of MultiValue software solutions for organizations, will host the company's fourth user conference for existing Entrinsik customers on September 12-14th, 2018. The three-day conference will include education and training on the latest functionality and upgrades to the Informer and Enrole platforms, user presentations, and sessions discussing pertinent technical and operational topics.

Revelation Software is launching OpenInsight Development Suite (OI) 10, introducing new development tools, increasing security, and more. "For most of Revelation's history the OpenInsight releases have been evolutionary, this one is revolutionary," said Mike Ruane, president and CEO Revelation Software. "We have a brand new look and feel from the developers' point of view."

Zumasys is enhancing its jBASE platform with dynamic objects, dynamic files, and more to give users the flexibility to design applications around their business needs and not the capabilities of their database. jBASE 5.7 introduces dynamic objects, which allows users to create objects on the fly and program in a language that looks and files like JavaScript.
