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October 2008

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Trends and Applications

Data transmission is growing rapidly, and the digitization of everything from financial transactions to video is enabling organizations to quickly share information with global partners both inside and outside their trusted network. However, many organizations do not recognize the operational, financial and security risks associated with this growing proliferation of perceived secure, user-managed file transfer systems.

The industry is buzzing with talk of endpoint virtualization. This innovation is often seen as a means to reduce enterprise endpoint costs and increase the agility of new endpoint deployments. However, as many organizations discovered as they implemented server virtualization, unless such technologies are integrated within a single infrastructure framework that spans both the physical and virtual, they can add rather than reduce complexity and cost.

Data is the byproduct of the information age and is being generated, processed and stored at an exponential rate. Storage area networks (SANs) have become the infrastructure of choice for networking, transporting and storing data traffic. As this trend continues, many IT managers are faced with network congestion and I/O bottlenecks. To alleviate congestion and increase network bandwidth, enterprises are looking to 8Gb/s Fibre Channel technology.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Columns - DBA Corner

Columns - New Directions

You're a database administrator, working hard, never catching up. You keep the databases humming morning, noon and night, weekdays, weekends and holidays. This type of stress is causing a serious problem in today's business world as the rapid expansion of databases crashes head-long into the 20-year shortage of DBAs we rely on to keep these complicated systems functioning.

Columns - Oracle Data Strategies

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

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