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October 2023

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Trends and Applications

It may be well-understood that cybersecurity needs to be front and center in all technology projects, but organizations are still slow or hesitant to fully commit to it. This is becoming a problem for data-intensive organizations, which need to brace for an onslaught of both external and internal threats. Only about one-half of organizations are beginning to recognize how important cybersecurity is from the start in any transformation effort, an Accenture survey of 3,000 executives shows.

For most enterprises these days, hyperscale data workloads and AI have become the norm and are driving data strategies. However, while conventional wisdom dictates that this means greater reliance on cloud services and cutting-edge approaches to manage data pipelines, there's a place for more well-tread approaches as well. Many data managers intend to beef up their data warehouse capabilities and even return to on-prem systems in the near future.

Today's applications—including enterprise applica­tions—need to be always on and always available and often must serve a global base of users who expect almost instantaneous response times regardless of where they are located. Meeting these challenges doesn't just mean happier users: There are direct bot­tom-line benefits for every business able to tackle the underlying issues of low latency and ultra-high availability. Because of the fundamental role the database plays in every application tech stack, the most logical place to tackle these issues is at the database layer. One of the best and most cost-effective ways to do this is by deploying applications on top of a distributed relational database.

According to Gartner, global spending on the public cloud is expected to increase by approximately 20.7% to reach $591.8 billion (about $1,800 per person in the U.S.) in 2023. The advantages of migrating to the cloud are widely recognized. By adopting cloud-first models, businesses can move away from traditional, fixed-cost methods of managing IT infrastructure. Cloud migration allows for controllable, agile, and secure operations that can easily scale as needed while optimizing costs.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Many people seem to become filled with anxiety over the word "normalization." Mentioning the word causes folks to slowly back away toward the exits. Why? What might have caused this data modeling phobia? Do people have images flashing through their minds of data modelers running around wearing a hockey mask and carrying a chainsaw screaming, "Give me your primary keys"? I hope not.

Columns - DBA Corner

Database performance can be a complex and difficult task, but there are some high-level maxims that can help to sim­plify optimizing the performance of your databases and applica­tions. Let's look at some of these guiding rules of thumb. You should always keep in mind the business objectives of the databases and applications you manage. It is wise to manage performance based on the expectations and budget of the busi­ness users.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

What if you could free up 1% of your day? Would one small improvement make a difference in the life of your business?With Oracle Autonomous Database even the smallest tweaks in efficiency (powered by data) can lead to huge advancements. At Quest's BLUEPRINT 4D Conference in May 2023, Sean Stacey, director of database product development at Oracle, shared how Oracle Autonomous Database can complete and simplify your data management. 

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Mankind has long dreamed of the promise of automation. Our earliest ancestors imagined it as something the gods could wield. In Homer's The Odyssey, Hephaestus, the Greek god of smithing and craft, uses automation to complete simple repetitive labor. Buddhist legends speak of automated guards who watched over the Buddha's relics.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

The mainstream media detractors of blockchains and cryp­tocurrency articulate multiple criticisms of the technol­ogy, but the one with perhaps the greatest legitimate grounds is the environmental impact created by the original incarnations of Bitcoin and Ethereum. In the original Bitcoin white paper, Satoshi Nakamura out­lined the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm. PoW is the core inno­vation within the Bitcoin blockchain that creates the immutable record of cryptocurrency transactions and supports "trustless" transactions between two parties with­out the need for third-party involvement.

MV Community

The newest addition to Informer 5.8 is Templates and it represents a significant evolution in how users interact with and extract value from their data. With Templates, the process of transforming raw data into visually appealing and tailored outputs becomes effortless, according to Entrinsik.
