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September 2012 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Best Practices Special Section: Insight at Last - Master Data Management Emerges to Tackle Big Data

Enterprise NoSQL database company MarkLogic Corporation today rolled out a new version of its flagship product,, MarkLogic 6, which includes new tools for faster application development, improved analytics and new visualization widgets to enable greater insight, and the ability to create user-defined functions for fast and flexible analysis of extremely large volumes of data. Key features of MarkLogic's NoSQL database include ACID transactions, horizontal scaling, real-time indexing, high availability, disaster recovery, government-grade security, and built-in search. With this release, in addition to MarkLogic's NoSQL flexibility, the company is focused on building features into the product that allow it to be easier to use and more accessible to a wider group of users within the enterprise.

NoSQL company Couchbase has announced its integration solution for VMware vFabric Application Director. The solution allows deployment and management of Couchbase Server on any VMware vCloud-powered private, public or hybrid clouds so that application middleware teams can more easily leverage Couchbase Server in their virtual and cloud environments. Because so many users are deploying Couchbase on the cloud, it seemed a natural fit to support VMware vFabric Application Director, Frank Weigel, vice president of products at Couchbase, tells 5 Minute Briefing.

Database security company Application Security, Inc. (AppSecInc) has announced the general availability of a major new release of its flagship platform, DbProtect. Version 6.4 incorporates insights gained from 10 years of working with customers, Josh Shaul, CTO of AppSecInc, tells 5 DBTA. DbProtect is intended to let organizations evaluate the security of their database environment and have access to preventative controls so they can eliminate security risks without the need to patch or reconfigure databases. With this release, the product, which has been rebuilt from scratch, offers a much easier to use interface as well as the ability to provide various groups of stakeholders with individual views based on a single scan, thereby limiting the burden on the database as well as limiting user access based on roles, notes Shaul.

Percona, Inc. has announced the latest release of Percona Server, which it describes as its "enhanced drop-in replacement for MySQL." According to the company, Percona Server Version 5.5.27-28.0 includes new features that make it more valuable as an alternative for MySQL users. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona Server has self-tuning algorithms and support for high-performance hardware. In addition, the company is planning a two-day Percona Live Event for NYC in October and also for London in December, with speakers and tutorials spanning multiple tracks across the MySQL ecosystem. A more expansive, four-day conference, Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013, is planned for Santa Clara in April.

Quest Software has introduced Toad Business Intelligence Suite, a packaged suite of tools to link traditional and non-traditional data sources, bridging the gap between BI environments and distributed big data sources. In addition, Toad BI Suite aims to span the divide between technical and non-technical users by offering tailored interfaces designed to meet their individual data provisioning and analytic needs.
