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September 2017

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Trends and Applications

Cybersecurity is a top of mind concern for CIOs, as the number of companies who fall victim to cyber attacks and data breaches increases every year. Attacks are becoming more common, sophisticated, and costly. Executives and IT professionals alike know the importance of enterprise security, yet companies' security policies frequently fail to address one key area of vulnerability to organizations—employee mobile devices.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Every few years we hear of one new idea or product that will surely bring death to the relational database, or death to the data warehouse, or death to something. It appears that many prefer to see death or at least they greatly enjoy planning for it. Often these finalities never seem to arrive.

Columns - DBA Corner

DBAs spend a lot of time on tuning application code and SQL statements to boost efficiency and optimize access. But SQL is only one aspect of database systems performance. It is also important for DBAs to devote time to tuning and optimizing the design, parameters, and physical construction of database objects, specifically tables and indexes, and the files in which their data is stored.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

MongoDB recently announced some interesting, though incremental, enhancements. These included improved "joins" in the aggregation framework, better document validation using JSON schema, and more reliable behavior in the event of network failures. These features attempt to close the gap between the functionality of MongoDB and traditional relational databases - joins, schemas, and commits. On top of these incremental updates, MongoDB announced a couple of features that intrude on functionality usually provided by application servers or desktop programs.

MV Community

Entrinsik Inc is releasing the next generation of Informer, its BI and data analytics platform which now includes quick access to multitudes of data, introduces a modern interface, and expands the platform's functionality. Informer 5 has been reimagined from the ground up to leverage an extensible modern architecture and enhanced performance to simplify data discovery and analytics without sacrificing functionality, according to Entrinsik.

Rocket Software is updating its UniData MultiValue Database, part of the MultiValue Application Platform, with the addition of Python programming support and audit logging capabilities. These enhancements expand the potential user base for UniData and improve the ability to recruit new development talent, allowing users to easily establish configurable histories of interactions, events, and activities.
