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September 2019

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Columns - Database Elaborations

In order to protect your organization, it is critical to watch over the elements that have been built, keep processes running, and be on top of change. Spend the time and resources necessary to properly maintain the solutions for which you are responsible. The amount spent in such endeavors will be less time than that spent trying to play catch up on too many changes after bad things have resulted.

Columns - DBA Corner

Although adopting advanced analytics is on the radar for most organizations these days, it is important to understand some of the problems that can occur as you implement analytics projects. Perhaps the most important obstacle to overcome is ensuring buy-in from your organization's leaders.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

The big cloud vendors tout many reasons for running IT infrastructure in the cloud. A very prominent benefit is "accelerated innovation and delivery." That's a powerful selling point because every IT manager I have ever known wants to deliver better results, faster, and at lower cost. However, it seems that the less IT managers know about doing actual hands-on IT work, the more demanding they are.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

MongoDB 4.2 may seem like a grab bag of features, but all of the features represent useful additions to your MongoDB toolkit. Some features—the Atlas Data Lake, for instance—need significant enhancements to cover all conceivable use cases. Nevertheless, MongoDB 4.2 will be a useful upgrade and I'd expect it to be widely deployed.

MV Community

MultiValue databases continue to impress users with new updates and modern functionality. Three solutions have been chosen as the best of the best in this year's Readers' Choice Awards. Each year, Database Trends and Applications presents the Readers' Choice Awards, providing a unique opportunity to recognize companies whose products are selected by experts whose opinions carry more weight than any others—you, the readers.

California-based BleuPelikan provides software products and services that revolve around Revelation Software to business and consumers. Launched in 2004, the company has focused on software for business transformation strategies that revitalize and invigorate companies since 2010.

Rocket Software is introducing a variety of enhanced capabilities for Rocket UniVerse, part of the Rocket MultiValue Application Platform. This solution will help financial institutions and other industries better manage today's large and ever-increasing transaction volumes.


The Internet of Things (IoT) requires scalable, high-performing databases to store the massive amounts of time series data collected from sensors.
