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September 2020

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Trends and Applications

For skeptics of the "putting all your eggs in one basket" strategy, history shows that building fewer, sturdier baskets can create strategic advantage. Take a look at the construction of airplanes. Bigger planes create economies of scale that make flying safer, faster, and more efficient. Oil shipments also move more safely and cost-effectively in double-hulled, automation-packed tankers than on large fleets of small craft. Data storage is simply another successful application of this consolidation strategy.

LicenseFortress, provider of an Oracle software license compliance solution, has announced the addition of services by specialized legal advisors to its licensing and technology teams. LicenseFortress is partnering with Beeman & Muchmore, LLP, a law firm delivering software auditing and licensing counseling, with the goal of helping customers to stay in compliance with software licensing.

Even the best DevOps initiatives can fall victim to data bottlenecks, from challenges provisioning data quickly and easily, to synchronizing application and database changes and, in some cases, a serious lack of cooperation between developers and database administrators.

At Data Summit Connect 2020, The AI-Powered Enterprise author and CEO of Earley Information Science, Seth Earley explained how to look at data initiatives as CEOs see them—in terms of revenue increases and measurable business outcomes.

Major trends in technology are reshaping the role of the DBA at many organizations. The size and complexity of database systems continues to grow with higher data volumes, more workloads and an increasing rate of database deployments that need to be managed. DBAs are under constant pressure in a constantly evolving environment—fighting fires to keep the lights on while navigating the impact of cloud and automation on their daily jobs.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Why set a trap to fail at some point in the future? When you arrive at a design wherein an entity needs to have a relationship to almost every other entity, stop and think about what is happening, and review your reasoning before proceeding.

Columns - DBA Corner

Good data quality starts with metadata—and the importance of quality data cannot be overstated. Poor data quality costs the typical company between 10% and 20% of their revenue. In addition, high quality data is crucial for complying with regulations.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

MongoDB has worked hard over the past few years to improve the security of its flagship MongoDB database server. It desperately needed to do this because MongoDB has been subjected to more high-profile attacks than any other database platform.

MV Community

The proliferation of data sources, types, and stores is increasing the challenge of combining data into meaningful, valuable information. The need for faster and smarter data integration capabilities is growing.  The need for faster and smarter data integration capabilities is growing.  At the same time, to deliver actual value, people need information they can trust—now more than ever during this COVID-19 pandemic—balancing data governance is absolutely essential.

In a continued effort to help the MultiValue community evolve their applications using free industry standard tools, Zumasys is sharing a 4-part hands-on video tutorial on the PICK MultiValue GitHub repository (a public, open source community for PICK BASIC and PICK BASIC-related projects).
