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September 2023

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Columns - Database Elaborations

Data models allow for the expression of a great deal of clarity and precision—when the data modeler chooses to allow for it. Many designers seem to work in "sloppy" or "imprecise" mode. Entities are defined containing many nulls allowed attributes. Certainly, if in the existing situation the source data is so dirty that every defined attribute "should" apply, but randomly things are not passed on, then yes, the data model is accurate. However, if the condition is such that the object has many very similar sub-objects, and various combinations of attributes must be populated based on which sub-type is being instantiated, then the data model is not expressing those rules very well.

Columns - DBA Corner

The role of the database administrator (DBA) has always been crucial to ensuring that databases are properly organized, secured, and optimized. But recent years have seen many significant changes in the field of database administration. Before talking about how it is changing, let's start by defining it. Database administration (or DBA) refers to the set of tasks and processes involved in managing and maintaining database systems (and the applications and users that access them). This includes everything from designing and creating databases to deploying, monitoring, and securing data across the enterprise.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

The dramatic advances in generational AI—chatGPT in particular—have motivated almost all technology companies to find an AI story that can break through the heavily AI-oriented technology news feeds. It can be hard for database companies to tell an AI story. While most AI is data-driven and therefore dependent on database technology, advances in database technology have not in themselves driven advances in AI, and AI has generally not yet revolutionized database technology. 

MV Community

Entrinsik is releasing Informer 5.8, empowering users to create customized outputs while optimizing their workflows with two powerful new features: Templates and Letterheads. Templates are pixel-perfect output backed by data that can be seamlessly used in business workflows including Jobs. Letterheads are customized exports of datasets, ad hoc reports, and templates with brand identity, which includes watermarks, headers, footers.

With the pandemic easing, a new normal has arrived, with several key technologies exploding on the scene—propelled by changes that occurred during COVID-19—hastening digital transformation as businesses shifted their digital strategies. MultiValue software vendors continue to address emerging challenges and opportunities that are affecting the IT landscape by frequently adding new features and integrations with other platforms and services, helping their loyal and committed customers to stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends.

Rocket Software recently created the "Doing More with MultiValue" podcast specifically for MultiValue enthusiasts seeking insights, advice, and inspiration. With seven episodes covering essential topics, this podcast promises to deliver a treasure trove of takeaways for businesses with MultiValue applications, according to Rocket Software.

Rocket Software released the latest versions of UniVerse and the MultiValue Performance Experience (MVX: Performance) platforms. UniVerse 11.4.1 is focused on High Availability/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) with enhancements and improvements to Replication. UniVerse Replication ensures business continuity to minimize the risk of downtime and data loss.

Zumasys is examining ways to integrate AI into its Rover product suite, according to the latest blog post by Mike Wright, director of technology at Zumasys. AI will be making its mark in Rover ERP through the Rover Web Suite of Products and the Rover Business Suite. The heart of this integration is "Rover AI," a chatbot assistant. Once it's part of the system, users who have the required access can avail of this assistant directly within the Rover interface.
