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Who to See @ Oracle OpenWorld 2014

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Trends and Applications

Members of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG), which represents the independent voice of Oracle technology and database professionals, will be out in force at OpenWorld 2014—presenting more than 40 sessions on the topics you want to learn about most.

You're invited to connect with the Oracle Applications Users Group at Oracle OpenWorld 2014, September 28-October 2, 2014, and get the answers you need to get ahead. The OAUG is the world's largest education, networking, and advocacy forum for Oracle Applications Users. Find out how OAUG membership helps you find answers, network with real users and expert consultants, and influence Oracle. And discover why 96% of OAUG members recommend membership.

Quest International Users Group (Quest) supports JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Fusion, and many other Oracle edge application customers, and is comprised of 55,000 members in 95 countries. Throughout Oracle OpenWorld 2014, you'll find members of the Quest team speaking at various breakout sessions, hosting SIG meetings and networking with members, Oracle personnel, and other customers. We will be answering questions and sharing information on how our members use and work with their Oracle products.

Through conferences (COLLABORATE, RECONNECT and INFOCUS), a vibrant online community and a wide-variety of networking opportunities—the more our members engage with Quest programs, events and communications, the more time they save by quickly finding solutions to today's real issues.

Continuent is a leading provider of database clustering and replication, enabling enterprises to run business-critical applications on cost-effective open source software. Continuent Tungsten provides enterprise-class high availability, globally redundant data distribution and real-time heterogeneous data integration in cloud and on-premises environments.

As part of User Group Sunday at OpenWorld,IOUG's powerhouse program of 40+ presentations will engage attendees with real-world experiences on trending topics: Database12c, In-memory, Strategic Leadership, BI, Big Data, Cloud Computing,Engineered Systems, OEM, Performance Tuning, Security, Storage, WebCenter and more.

Find out how OAUG membership helps you find answers, network with real users and expert consultants, and influence Oracle. And discover why 96% of OAUG members recommend membership.

Database performance issues? Thousands of our Oracle customers rely on SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer (formerly Confio Ignite for Oracle) to help them quickly pinpoint exactly where the problem lies—in just four clicks.
