
Trends and Applications

Oracle Database 12c is available for download from Oracle Technology Network (OTN). First announced by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison during his keynote at Oracle OpenWorld 2012, Oracle Database 12c introduces a new multi-tenant architecture that simplifies the process of consolidating databases onto the cloud; enabling customers to manage many databases as one - without changing their applications. During the OpenWorld keynote, Ellison described Oracle Database 12c as "the first multi-tenant database in the world" and said it provides "a fundamentally new architecture" to "introduce the notion of a container database" with the ability to plug in multiple separate, private databases into that single container.

Posted July 09, 2013

21st Century Data Organization - Business Function Comes First

Posted July 09, 2013

The objective of "old school" capacity management was to ensure that each server had enough capacity to avoid performance issues, and typically focused on trend-and-threshold techniques to accomplish this. But the rapid adoption of the cloud, and now OpenStack, means that supply and demand is much more fluid, and this form of capacity management is now obsolete. Unfortunately, many are ignoring this new reality and continuing to rely on what have quickly become the bad habits of capacity management. These old school methods and measures not only perpetuate an antiquated thought process, but they also lead to, among other problems, low utilization and density. In a world of tightening IT budgets these are problems that can't be ignored.

Posted June 27, 2013

Four Trends Reshaping the Business Intelligence Landscape in 2013

Posted June 27, 2013

Virtualized Databases: Striking the Right Balance between Solid State Technologies and Spinning Disks

Posted June 27, 2013

RainStor, a provider of an enterprise database for managing and analyzing historical data, says it has combined the latest data security technologies in a comprehensive product update that has the potential to rapidly increase adoption of Apache Hadoop for banks, communications providers and government agencies.

Posted June 27, 2013

IBM recently laid out a set of new initiatives to further support and speed up the adoption of the Linux operating system across the enterprise. These include two new Power Systems Linux Centers, as well as plans to extend support for Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) technology to its Power Systems portfolio of server products.

Posted June 27, 2013

The amount of data being generated, captured and analyzed worldwide is increasing at a rate that was inconceivable a few years ago. Exciting new technologies and methodologies are evolving to address this phenomenon of science and culture creating huge new opportunities. These new technologies are also fundamentally changing the way we look at and use data. The rush to monetize "big data" makes the appeal of various "solutions" undeniable.

Posted June 27, 2013

These are heady times for data products vendors and their enterprise customers. When business leaders talk about success these days, they often are alluding to a new-found appreciation for their data environments. It can even be said that the tech vendors that are making the biggest difference in today's business world are no longer software companies at all; rather, they are "data" companies, with all that implies. Enterprises are reaching out to vendors for help in navigating through the fast-moving, and often unforgiving, digital realm. The data vendors that are leading their respective markets are those that know how to provide the tools, techniques, and hand-holding needed to manage and sift through gigabytes', terabytes', and petabytes' worth of data to extract tiny but valuable nuggets of information to guide business leaders as to what they should do next.

Posted June 13, 2013

Mobile devices—including employee-owned and corporate-provided smartphones and tablets—are rapidly becoming a primary point of access to more than just email and texting. However, the proliferation of mobile application users also presents new challenges to IT departments, as the users demand access to business-critical data and processes, creating security, management, and development challenges

Posted June 13, 2013

There is an emerging field of companies looking to take on the challenges presented by the roiling tide of big data. While their visions vary, each has identified a market need that it believes its technology uniquely addresses. Here, DBTA highlights the approaches of 10 companies we think are worth watching.

Posted June 13, 2013

Seamless accessfor data analysis across heterogeneous data sources represents ‘the holy grail' within mainstream enterprises. Designed for Big Data processing and performance at scale, Cirro is a revolutionary approach to bridging corporate analytic data silos. Hadoop and NoSQL data sources along with access of SaaS data sources are rapidly becoming a high priority requirement to integrate with traditional corporate analytic data sources. Cirro's Next Generation Data Fed¬eration platform delivers on this requirement providing a single point-of-access for Hadoop, NoSQL, SaaS, relational and other data sources. Cirro enables users to access all of their data sources with the BI and visualization tools they already have on their desktops. Seamlessly incorporating cloud-based data sources with traditional data sources enables self-service data exploration and analysis previously unavailable in the marketplace.

Posted June 03, 2013

As a leader in the data modeling space, CA ERwin is privileged to be an integral part of organizations' key strategic initiatives such as business intelligence and analytics, data governance, or data quality—many of which revolve around data. At CA Technologies, we understand that data runs your business, and we've put a strong focus on developing a solution that can act as an "information hub" for these initiatives.

Posted June 03, 2013

Delphix is happy to be included in the DBTA 100. We believe that agile data is already transforming how our customers view database and application management. Enterprise applications must constantly evolve to meet changing business demands, triggering expensive projects that are often over budget and behind schedule. Today, many applications have to be migrated into new data centers, private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, onto SSDs, etc. adding more complexity and fragmentation to application portfolios.

Posted June 03, 2013

The success of major IT trends including Big Data, Cloud and Social Media depends on high quality customer data. One crucial part of every data quality strategy is address validation. AddressDoctor significantly improves your global address quality in order to reduce costs, increase productivity and streamline your business processes. Our address validation software automatically corrects and standardizes postal addresses worldwide—no matter if your data is captured in a CRM or online shop, or stored in a database.

Posted June 03, 2013

Today's on-the-go workforce is driving us all to connect more data to more people on more devices. And there's no shortage of "newer and better" ways to help you do that. But despite the persistent buzz about emerging technologies, keep this simple principle in mind: The fastest way to get results is to build on what you have.

Posted June 03, 2013

Over the past year it has been great to see the "Big Data" moniker lose some of its glamour as a catch-all phrase. Fortunately, Hadoop's role is now well understood for processing massive amount of old data for analytics for use cases, which are not sensitive to latency. But, increasing numbers of companies are building new applications that are driving real competitive advantage and disrupting established markets—on the Web, over mobile, or in the Cloud—generating massive amounts of "Big Data." In these new cases, latency matters.

Posted June 03, 2013

At CA Technologies, we've been supporting data management professionals for over twenty years with our CA ERwin® data modeling products, and we feel privileged to have been an active part of the rapid transformation in the field of data management during this time. One of the more exciting changes I've seen is the increased interest and participation from the business side of customer organizations.

Posted June 03, 2013

Clustrix is the leading scale-out SQL database engineered for the cloud. The combination of big data and cloud computing has broken the legacy database, creating an industry transition to new scale-out database platforms. Clustrix has delivered on a complete reinvention of the relational database, and the result is a highly differentiated platform that is ideal for the industry transition to cloud computing.

Posted June 03, 2013

With so much data today, the difference between business leaders and also-rans is often how well they leverage their data. Significant leverage equals significant business value, and that's a big advantage over the competition.

Posted June 03, 2013

You can't hide from complexity. It's everywhere—from new technologies and rapidly evolving consumer expectations, to the shifting role IT plays in every business.

Posted June 03, 2013

Development and production teams often work in silos, with separate tools and measures of success, and warring tensions between change and stability. Many of us have experienced firsthand how this fundamental tension underlies—and often undermines—IT initiatives. Development wants continuous change and enhancement. Production and operations want stability and controlled change. Finding a way to focus all IT teams on working together toward the common goal of business success is critical.

Posted June 03, 2013

The business world depends on data. Continuent's Tungsten software offers a database-as-a-service that gives cost-effective MySQL databases the enterprise-class clustering and replication required by business-critical applications. Continuent Tungsten provides 24x7 data availability, performance scaling, and simple management without risky application changes or database upgrades. Continuent Tungsten operates at a fraction of the cost of commercial DBMS servers like Oracle and MS SQL Server.

Posted June 03, 2013

Scott Hayes is an IBM DB2 LUW Performance Expert, IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant, IBM Information Management Champion, US patent inventor, published author, blogger on DB2 LUW performance topics, and popular frequent speaker at IBM IOD and IDUG Conferences. He started DBI Software in July 2005 with one simple mission: "Help People!" Eight years later, this simple mission is still DBI's #1 core value, though Mr. Hayes admits, "We are better at helping people with DB2 than their marriages or cars."

Posted June 03, 2013

Embarcadero Technologies gives 97% of the world's top 2000 companies the tools needed to address the biggest challenges in data management. Facing significant growth in complexity, diversity and volume of enterprise data, companies worldwide are increasingly turning to data governance as a strategic solution. Helping our customers manage this complexity, and close the "governance gap" has been a major driver of innovation in our products.

Posted June 03, 2013

Open source software has enjoyed a surge in interest and demand over the last two years for its quality and cost savings. Companies like VMware, Microsoft (Skype), Apple, and Facebook (Instagram) are using PostgreSQL, the open source database. Other PostgreSQL users include the Federal Aviation Administration, the US State Department, ABN Amro, Fujitsu, Sony-Ericsson, and Sony Online Entertainment.

Posted June 03, 2013

At HiT Software, we know that fresh data is key to business success. Our clients rely on information about their systems, business units, customers or vendors that is no more than few hours, and often only a few minutes old. Reporting on seasonal pricing and promotions, or consumption of goods versus parts, or financial planning on interest earned all demand actionable data in real-time.

Posted June 03, 2013

Infobright is proud to be selected for inclusion in the DBTA 100. Infobright's investigative analytic engine enables organizations to extract rich, real-time insight from machine-generated data at the speed of business. Specifically focused on the rapid analysis of volumes of information from Web logs, mobile data, call records, stock tickers, sensors and more, Infobright empowers organizations to ask all the questions they want, and get the detailed answers they need to make better, faster and more profitable decisions.

Posted June 03, 2013

Economic recessions are to the business cycle as wild fires are to a forest. They are dangerous but necessary to clear the overgrowth around the stronger trees and promote new life. When the 2008 recession hit, the stronger companies began strategically adapting to survive. Investing in Business Intelligence ("BI") is one strategy that provides companies a way to look at their forest of data from a birds-eye view rather than through the trees. From this viewpoint, companies can identify their strengths and weaknesses and gain useful insights into their customers' needs.

Posted June 03, 2013

Data is an enabler—and an inhibitor. It can yield tremendous insights and answers, but when it is in the wrong format, too big or changing too frequently, it becomes a resource-sink—of people, knowledge and technology. Tools need to evolve to eliminate data constraints.

Posted June 03, 2013

For close to 30 years, I have been actively involved with the database community. From one of the first Oracle Database Administrators, to President of the Independent Oracle Users Group; from one of the Founders of the Professional Association of SQL Server, to one of the original Oracle*Press authors; from Oracle ACE to VMware vExpert for database virtualization, I have seen an amazing succession of changes take place in our industry.

Posted June 03, 2013

Within today's ever-changing landscape of technology and consumer requirements, it can be difficult to understand what solutions are relevant for your data management needs. Wading through the hype of new solutions that can accomplish everything has taken up precious time and energy from the leadership of established organizations. Understanding how to implement the right tool for the job is not as simple as it seems and in many cases, it's best to take into consideration the advantages of utilizing proven technologies to drive the most value from your solution stack.

Posted June 03, 2013

Percona makes MySQL faster and more reliable for nearly 2,000 customers worldwide. Founded in 2006 to provide MySQL Consulting services, we've grown rapidly with the addition of MySQL Support, Remote DBA, Training, and Server Development services. Our global workforce of nearly 100 now provides 24x7, worldwide coverage to our customer base of leading MySQL users.

Posted June 03, 2013

Big Data has changed the game for all of us. The performance and expertise required to manage and use the ever-increasing flow of data into our companies have effectively sidelined older technologies. A new generation of data analytics tools is emerging; built to scale without losing performance, able to incorporate more data from diverse sources in disparate formats, and deliver high confidence results in our on demand world.

Posted June 03, 2013

Today's IT professionals are faced with a number of critical challenges, including rolling out mobile solutions to their employees and contractors, delivering 100% uptime, and seamlessly integrating solutions from many vendors—all while keeping costs under control. That's where Rocket Software can really bring value to organizations that rely on MultiValue databases for their mission-critical work.

Posted June 03, 2013

The volume and diversity of information being exchanged in both structured and unstructured formats in the enterprise has shifted the center of gravity for data from on-premises to cloud architectures. In order to take advantage of the market opportunities that this Golden Age of data has offered, many organizations are innovating in the form of SaaS, or Software-as-a-Service, because of its inherent benefits of speedy procurement, on-demand installation, portability to any device, efficient utilization of compute, network and storage resources and the ability to consume and repurpose use on demand.

Posted June 03, 2013

Our vision is simple - to transform the way in which real-time data are processed. Businesses want to drive latency out of their operations. Machine data generated by their servers, networks and sensors contain valuable insights into transactions, performance and fraud for example, but is only useful if acted on in real-time. However, achieving this using today's IT technology is like driving using only your rear view mirror - you'll never see what's coming until it's too late!

Posted June 03, 2013

Customers across a wide variety of industries know analyzing Big Data is critical to sustain competitiveness. More importantly, they are quickly realizing that traditional architectures won't help them, especially when it comes to integrating data - what we commonly know as ETL.

Posted June 03, 2013

Terracotta, Inc. is the leading provider of game changing high-volume, high-value Big Data management solutions for Global enterprises. Its flagship product, BigMemory, is a Big Data in-memory solution that delivers performance at any scale. Terracotta's other award-winning data management solutions include Ehcache—the defacto caching standard for enterprise Java—and Quartz—a leading job scheduler.

Posted June 03, 2013

It's become clear to me that the Business Intelligence (BI) market is undergoing a period of significant change. Organizations now realize the potential and value of empowering people—throughout the enterprise—with the ability to take better, faster fact-based action.

Posted June 03, 2013

There is an emerging field of companies looking to take on the challenges presented by the roiling tide of big data. While their visions vary, each has identified a market need that it believes its technology uniquely addresses. Here, DBTA highlights the approaches of 10 companies we think are worth watching.

Posted June 03, 2013

Managing Big Unstructured Data - How to Be Your Own Data Scientist

Posted May 23, 2013

How to Gain Value from Big Data Projects is Explored at Big Data Boot Camp

Posted May 23, 2013

DBTA's Big Data Boot Camp provided attendees with an immersion experience in the world of big data. Presentations and panel discussions with data experts covered the value provided by Hadoop and related solutions, how it all fits into the overall enterprise data management picture, real-world use cases in which big data technologies are now being deployed, how to get started, the legal implications of big data management that organizations need to be aware of before they initiate a big data project, and how to successfully engage with customers through social media. Ten salient points emerged from the two-day conference which wrapped up at the Hilton New York on Wednesday.

Posted May 23, 2013

OpenText, a provider of enterprise information management (EIM) software, announced the expansion of the OpenText ECM Suite for SAP Solutions in support of SAP's latest technologies, including the SAP HANA platform, and cloud and mobility solutions. This support builds on a partnership that spans more than two decades and is growing every year, says Patrick Barnert, senior vice president, Partners and Alliances, OpenText. OpenText, he adds, is the first SAP ISV partner to have its products fully tested and confirmed by SAP to be integrated with SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA.

Posted May 23, 2013

Talend, a global open source software provider, has released version 5.3 of its integration platform, scaling the integration of data, application and business processes of any complexity. Talend version 5.3 reduces the skill sets and development costs necessary to leverage big data and Hadoop by enabling integration developers without specific expertise to develop on big data platforms. "The big challenge that organizations are facing today is not about getting the data; it's not about the platform to explore it; it's really about people who are operating the platform. There is a big shortage of developers with big data and Hadoop skills, and a big shortage of data scientists," Yves de Montcheuil, vice president of marketing at Talend, tells DBTA

Posted May 23, 2013

NuoDB, Inc., a provider of a cloud data management system offering SQL compliance and guaranteed ACID transactions, has introduced the NuoDB Starlings Release 1.1. Following on from its 1.0 release in January, NuoDB's Starlings Release 1.1 focuses on overall usability in three key areas, Seth Proctor, NuoDB chief architect, tells DBTA. The enhancements focus on greater Microsoft Windows support, general performance and stability, and an improved development and management experience in the web console, says Proctor.

Posted May 23, 2013

A new release of Oracle Secure Global Desktop, part of Oracle's Desktop Virtualization portfolio, extends secure access to cloud-hosted and on-premise enterprise applications and desktops from Apple iPad and iPad mini tablets, without the need for a VPN client. Now, through support of the HTML5 standard, Oracle Secure Global Desktop 5.0 allows tablet users to access enterprise applications with just a web browser, so they can use their own devices for work. The new release provides tablet users, in addition to PC, MAC and desktop users, certified access to Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud and web-based applications such as Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Siebel CRM, Oracle Primavera, and many others.

Posted May 23, 2013

NoSQL databases are becoming increasingly popular for analyzing big data. There are very few NoSQL solutions, however, that provide the combination of scalability, reliability and data consistency required in a mission-critical application. As the open source implementation of Google's BigTable architecture, HBase is a NoSQL database that integrates directly with Hadoop and meets these requirements for a mission-critical database.

Posted May 09, 2013

What Does it Mean to be a "Real-Time Enterprise"?

Posted May 09, 2013

