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February 2015

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Trends and Applications

WANTED: Professionals to Educate and Enlighten Enterprises on Data Security

Attunity recently added new capabilities to its solution suite with the acquisition of BIReady's data warehouse automation technology, which eliminates the complex, manual tasks of preparing data for BI and big data analytics. Lawrence Schwartz, Attunity's vice president of marketing, spoke with DBTA about BIReady and other Attunity solutions for customers dealing with big data projects.

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) is opening up a new world of data interchange between devices, sensors, and applications, enabling businesses to monitor, in real time, the health and performance of products long after they leave the production premises. At the same time, enterprises now have access to valuable data—again, in real time if desired—on how customers are adopting products and services.

Special Report on Data Lake Success Strategies Now Available

Columns - Big Data Notes

Someone new to big data and Hadoop might be forgiven for feeling a bit confused after reading some of the recent press coverage on Hadoop. On one hand, Hadoop has achieved very bullish coverage in mainstream media. However, counter to this positive coverage, there have been a number of claims that Hadoop is overhyped. What's a person to make of all these mixed messages?

Columns - Database Elaborations

In the early days of data warehousing, lines were very simple. The data warehouse reflected the business. In providing this reflection, data was summarized, data was cleansed, data was standardized, and data was even drastically reformatted for legibility and reporting usage. But, the big rule of thumb, the never-to-be-crossed line, was that the data warehouse did not create new data.

Columns - DBA Corner

When the data requirements of an organization change, the databases used to store the data must also change. Unfortunately, today's database systems do not make managing database change particularly easy.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

Most organizations, whether public or private sector, are facing exponential increases in the amount of information and data that they need to continuously track, manage, and protect to ensure organizational success, continuity of operations and long-term viability. While many attackers still focus on denial of service attacks, cybercriminals often target the database because that is where sensitive information resides that would interest someone looking to steal credit card information or personal identities

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

Does the Looming Shortage in DBAs Spell Opportunity?

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

I woke up early to get to the airport to ensure a timely check-in. When I got to the desk, the airline representative asked for my name and destination, keyed it in and we waited for the system to respond. The next words out of her mouth were, "Sorry, the system is slow today, you know how it is."

MV Community

Pick Cloud, Inc., the first MultiValue Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) provider specializing in both public and private cloud solutions, has announced a calendar on its website that will contain all of the happening in the MultiValue industry. The calendar will include various vendor events, product launches, MultiValue user groups, and more.

Zumasys, a provider of cloud computing solutions for business-critical software applications and ERP systems, has acquired the jBASE database technology from Temenos, a Geneva, Switzerland-based provider of banking software systems. "jBASE was the industry's first database-independent solution. Its more contemporary architecture allows Pick-based applications to natively interact with the underlying Windows or UNIX operating system, and store data in SQL Server, Oracle, and the cloud, which fits perfectly with our vision for the future," noted Paul Giobbi, president of Zumasys.
