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February 2020

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Trends and Applications

Although it can be challenging for enterprises to try and maintain this pace of innovation, they have plenty of tools available to make it possible, including augmented analytics, which aims to capitalize on the large quantity of data. Gartner predicts that this next wave of analytics, which integrates AI and machine learning technologies into analytics workflows, will be a big disruption in the coming years.

For data managers, AI and machine learning not only offer new ways of delivering rapid insights to business users but also the promise of improving and adding intel­ligence to their own operations. While many AI and machine learning efforts are still works in progress, the technol­ogies hold the potential to deliver more enhanced analytic capabilities through­out enterprises.

For years, if not decades, database managers have been struggling with the challenges of providing as much access as possible to corporate informa­tion assets while at the same time protect­ing these crown jewels. All of this work, of course, has had to take place within the confines of relatively tight budget and resource constraints. Now, a new generation of solutions and platforms holds great promise in releasing profes­sionals from the more mundane aspects of their jobs to devote more time to the activities that matter to their businesses. However, even with database automation and cloud resources abundantly available on the market, many database managers still spend inordinate amounts of time on low-level tasks.

While organizations are adopting cloud for some areas of their database estate, very few are migrating totally. DBAs now need to manage hybrid estates that combine on-premise and cloud deployments. No wonder that 23% of respondents see migrating to the cloud and integrating with the cloud as their biggest challenge over the next 12 months. Ensuring they have the ability to monitor their entire estate from a single tool is therefore vital if DBAs are to remain on top of their workloads.

Columns - Database Elaborations

A good data modeler must know when there is something the users need to analyze, even when what that is is not necessarily obvious. Subtle dif­ferences abound between things in a state, versus actions taken to create or change states, versus the duration of a business object within or across states, versus business objects and the workflows containing them. Each of these subtleties drives differing metrics with distinct uses.

Columns - DBA Corner

The mainframe has a long history of applications and uses, which stretches back more than 50 years. This means that some mainframe applications require modernization. This is often referred to as "mainframe modernization," but a better term for this is "mainframe application modern­ization" because the mainframe already is a mod­ern platform.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

As part of Quest Experience Week 2019, Richard Evans, database security prod­uct management at Oracle, spoke about the top 10 security features you might not be using.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

Azure Arc and the Rising Tide of Kubernetes

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

As with everything, there are trade-offs when it comes to indexes. A sign of a good database performance tuning and optimization solution is that it will analyze every query per database instance, look at all the tables used with each query, and then make a recommenda­tion for table tuning if there's a positive impact.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

The decade just ended has truly been revolutionary. Technological forces have combined to revolutionize almost every aspect of our daily lives and trans­form our society—and not always for the better. But although the components of a revolution were in place in 2010, the transformations that would result from the integration of cloud, mobile, and social were far from obvious.

MV Community

Kore Technologies is releasing version 4.7 of the Kourier Integrator platform, increasing performance times across the board. This latest release includes the Package Execution Manager (PEM), improving the overall performance, execution, and transparency of Kourier generated Microsoft SSIS packages, and provides a stable and fault tolerant environment in which to run them.

The PICK MultiValue community recently celebrated another milestone as PICK date, a count of days since December 31, 1967, turned over to 19000. Developers using any of the MultiValue products will now start seeing current dates starting with 19 rather than 18 as they peruse raw data.

Rocket Software is introducing an MV Developer's Edition for AWS, targeting new and existing users to incorporate and learn MultiValue. "It allows them to bridge the resource gap that is currently being seen across all industries," said Zain Master, senior product manager in MV, Rocket Software. "This product that we just released allows us to create that bridge between how the old applications work and how to get them into a newer framework, newer architecture."
