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June 2012 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Datameer has announced a new release of its big data analytics solution, which combines data integration, analytics and visualization of any data type in one application. The new capabilities offered in Datameer 2.0 are in two main categories, Joe Nicholson, vice president of marketing, Datameer, tells DBTA. One is adding new functionality and the other is bringing Hadoop to the desktop with Hadoop natively embedded in two of three new editions of the application.

IBM stepped up its smarter computing initiative with a broad range of performance and efficiency enhancements to its storage and technical computing systems - the engines of big data. As part of its ongoing smarter computing effort, IBM has announced a new strategic approach to designing and managing storage infrastructures with greater automation and intelligence, as well as performance enhancements to several key storage systems and the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center suite. IBM also announced its first offerings that incorporate software from IBM's acquisition of Platform Computing earlier this year. "Enterprises are dealing with data that is increasing exponentially in both size and complexity," said Rod Adkins, senior vice president of IBM Systems & Technology Group. The enhanced systems and storage solutions have the performance, efficiency, and intelligence to handle this big data, he added.

Data analytics vendor Teradata and information management software provider Kalido have introduced a new joint solution that they say will allow customers to build or expand a data warehouse in 90 days or less, providing deeper analytics to users for improved business decision-making. This solution combines the Teradata Data Warehouse Appliance with the Kalido Information Engine, providing customers with a streamlined data consolidation tool that aggregates disparate data into a single unified platform.

In a live presentation that was also made available on the web, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison unveiled Oracle's cloud strategy and introduced Oracle Cloud Social Services, a new enterprise social platform offering. "We made a decision to rebuild all of our applications for the cloud almost 7 years ago. We called that project ‘Fusion,'" he told the audience. While joking that, at the time, some competitors called it "con-fusion," Ellison also recounted the years of work, input from thousands of people, and billions of dollars that were required to enable Oracle to make the transition from being an on-premise application provider to being a cloud application provider - as well as an on-premise application provider - and to rewrite and modernize all of its applications.

Lucid Imagination, a developer of search, discovery and analytics software based on Apache Lucene and Apache Solr technology, has unveiled LucidWorks Big Data, a fully integrated development stack that combines advantages of multiple open source projects including Hadoop, Mahout, R and Lucene/Solr to provide search, machine learning, recommendation engines and analytics for structured and unstructured content in one solution available in the cloud. "With more and more companies being challenged by the explosive growth of information, as has been widely reported, the vast majority of that content is unstructured or semi structured text, and traditional business intelligence or traditional analytics methodologies don't come close to addressing the vast percentage of content," Paul Doscher, CEO of Lucid Imagination, tells DBTA.
