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June 2016

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Trends and Applications

The data manager now sits in the center of a revolution swirling about enterprises. In today's up-and-down global economy, opportunities and threats are coming in from a number of directions. Business leaders recognize that the key to success in hyper-competitive markets is the ability to leverage data to draw insights that predict and provide prescriptive action to stay ahead of markets and customer preferences. For that, they need to keep up with the latest solutions and approaches in data management. Here are 12 of the key technologies turning heads—or potentially opening enterprise wallets—in today's data centers.

It's rare now to read about breaches that resulted from direct attacks on the data center, as organizations have done a great job at securing their network infrastructures. But, with business applications moving to the cloud and mobile users connected all the time, traditional appliance-based security measures can no longer protect the modern business. The glass box is broken, the perimeter has vanished, and attacks have shifted to the weakest link: the user.

Columns - Big Data Notes

For those who haven't encountered the term, the "trough of disillusionment" is a standard phase within the Gartner hype cycle. New technologies are expected to pass from a "peak of inflated expectations" through the trough of disillusionment before eventually reaching the "plateau of productivity." Most new technologies are expected to go through this trough, so it's hardly surprising to find big data entering this phase.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Many of the NoSQL tools out there, such as MongoDB, Couchbase, Hadoop, and others, purport to be leading a revolution and breaking the bonds of servitude to the restrictive, inflexible, established, relational market. They claim users need more, users need better … and they are there to help. Of course, when speaking about those relational flaws, the comments always focus on problematic aspects of a DBMS' physical implementation.

Columns - DBA Corner

Keeping your DBMS software up-to-date can be a significant job. The typical release cycle for DBMS software is every 18 to 36 months for major releases, with constant bug fixes and maintenance updates delivered in between those major releases.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

Digital transformation is taking place at an accelerated rate in the world today. CIOs are struggling to maintain legacy systems, while the world around them continues to transform at a rapid pace. At the same time, clients are expecting IT professionals to support the latest technology that becomes available. As IT continues to lag behind the digital wave, clients are becoming impatient and moving toward cloud technologies such as PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, and DBaaS to address their business requirements.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

While temporal data support is something that has existed in the past within other database platforms, it is a newly available feature with the RTM version of SQL Server 2016. In case you haven't heard of temporal data values (or for some, "bitemporal"), here is a brief explanation.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Almost all organizations have migrated at least some infrastructure to the cloud. In fact, just 9% of IT departments have not migrated anything. Furthermore, databases rank in the top three for both infrastructure already migrated to the cloud and infrastructure with the highest priority for future migration.

MV Community

Entrinsik Inc., developer reporting and business intelligence software, is entering a partnership agreement with Atcore Systems, providing users of Atcore with reporting, real-time analysis, and dashboarding tools.

After an extensive beta process over the past several months, Kourier Integrator 4.3 is getting ready to launch next month, according to Mark Dobransky, co-founder and managing partner.

ONgroup Intl, provider of MultiValue DBMS software with relational storage, is now delivering its flagship MVON product with SQL Server Express.

The latest release of OpenQM introduces integration with Python. OpenQM is a high-performance, self-tuning database supporting MultiValue applications on Linux, Windows Server, and IBM AIX. The latest release, OpenQM 3.4-6, boosts technical support from Zumasys, to help organizations keep keep their applications up and running 24x7.

Rocket Software is gearing up to host another MV TechDay, with the event taking place this time in its home turf, Denver, Colo., on June 23. This 1-day event provides an opportunity for developers, architects, and IT staff to discuss how to extend their applications by leveraging the latest development environments.
