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Who to See @ COLLABORATE 19

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Trends and Applications

COLLABORATE 2019 is Coming to Texas April 7-11

From April 7-11th, Oracle users from across the world will gather in San Antonio for the largest user-led, user-focused event where they'll get the real story about Oracle products and experience in-depth education and networking to take their Oracle product impact to the next level.

Every day, more technology surrounds us.  Things that were once fiction, are now everyday occurrences.  None of this is by accident or happenstance, this is only through the work of many professionals and even amateurs in the fields of engineering, electronics, and computer science.

One week is all you need. One week at COLLABORATE 19: Technology and Applications Forum for the Oracle Community equips Oracle users with expertise and insight to accelerate performance and maximize Oracle investments. At COLLABORATE 19, April 7-11 in San Antonio, Texas, the OAUG delivers expert on-prem Oracle Applications knowledge and the latest guidance for the Cloud so users can innovate with their current Oracle solutions and strategically plan for the future. Users share lessons learned from real-life implementations, and solutions providers offer a look at the latest, greatest new products.
