Opening Up Business Intelligence to the Enterprise: 2012 Survey of Data Professionals on Self-Service BI and Analytics

Data keeps growing, and along with it, opportunities for unprecedented insights into customers, sales, markets, and processes. With information now being generated from all corners of the enterprise, executives, managers, and professionals can ask and get answers to questions they have never been able to consider. For companies that are able to offer business decision makers rapid and easy access to business intelligence (BI) or analytic data from which they can assemble their own interfaces and reports, this means competitive advantage. However, today’s BI systems still present obstacles to realizing this vision. 

This research report confirms a movement toward self-service BI systems that can potentially help decision makers gain insights where and when they are needed. However, organizations are still lagging when it comes to making such capabilities pervasive across their organizations, and questions about data quality, data timeliness, and organizational support need to be addressed.

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