Data Privacy Regulation: Preparing for Change

Regulation of data privacy, rights of individuals around their personal data, and personal data security is evolving rapidly with the introduction of the GDPR, the pending launch of CCPA, and other coming regulations. For organizations to thrive in this climate, they will need to adopt a data privacy approach that is flexible enough to support ongoing regulatory changes with minimal operational disruption.

This whitepaper explores:

  • How data privacy regulation has evolved over the past few years, including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Which jurisdictions around the world are implementing new GDPR-like data privacy frameworks
  • What trends are shaping the data privacy regulatory environment

It’s almost impossible to predict how data privacy rules are going to evolve with CCPA and beyond. However, it’s clear that companies will need to be nimble and prepared for rapid regulatory change within their data privacy programs. Read the whitepaper to learn how to get prepared.

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