January 25, 2018

News Flashes

A New Age: AI and Machine Learning Meet the Cloud

Emerging technologies are outpacing data governance at a rapid clip. Specifically, the rate of growth and development of emerging technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning (ML) drastically exceeds the current speed and willingness of businesses to change their governance models to manage and protect their data and information assets.

LicenseFortress has launched as a standalone entity to focus on database software license management and audit protection service with a financial guarantee. Originally part of VLSS, a consultancy founded in 2005 with a focus on Oracle and VMware technologies, LicenseFortress was spun out as a standalone company in October 2017.

Organizations are still skeptical of investing in the cloud and planning for the future, now that 2018 has arrived is no different. Enterprises are looking at ways to secure their data while also staying at the cutting edge. A few experts offer their predictions for cloud and multi-cloud platforms in 2018.

Think About It

GDPR Crosses the Pond
