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Five Minute Briefing - Data Center
September 2, 2014

Five Minute Briefing - Data Center: September 2, 2014. Published in conjunction with SHARE Inc., a bi-weekly report geared to the needs of data center professionals.

News Flashes

Emulex has a new solution that enables bare-metal adapter configuration management, rapid provisioning and deployment capabilities for cloud-based infrastructures. The first Emulex OpenWorks Connector is used with the new Emulex OneConnect OCec14000 series of Cloud Adapters.

SoftLayer, an IBM Company, has begun shipping new bare-metal servers that are billed by the hour. The new hourly bare-metal servers are single tenant servers connecting directly to SoftLayer's private global network. Customers may choose from four base configurations with the CentOS, Red Hat, FreeBSD, or Ubuntu operating system installed. IBM says the base configuration is deployed within 30 minutes, after which the server may be further customized with additional OS or application installations.

Logentries, a cloud log management and analytics service, has introduced a new solution intended to help Dev and IT Ops proactively monitor, troubleshoot and resolve production system issues in real time. "It's particularly important to not only monitor errors in your logs, but proactively recognize where there has been a shift in system behavior," said Trevor Parsons, co-founder and chief scientist for Logentries.

At its recent user conference, VMware announced new virtualization, cloud management and integrated OpenStack solutions that are part of a product portfolio designed for implementing software-defined data centers. The innovations support open frameworks, as well as hybrid cloud environments based on VMware and non-VMware technologies.

News From SHARE

Share your opinions, experiences, lessons learned and fresh approaches as a speaker at SHARE in Seattle, March 1-6, 2015. Whether a first-time submitter or seasoned presenter, we welcome you to take part in this leading enterprise technology event. The deadline to submit is Friday, October 24.

Think About It

Rise of the Bare-Metal Clouds
