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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
June 27, 2023

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: June 27, 2023. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

ClickHouse Inc. is unveiling the general availability of ClickHouse Cloud on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), expanding ClickHouse's accommodation of clients' cloud platform of choice.

EnterpriseDB (EDB) is unveiling a series of enhancements to EDB BigAnimal—the distributed, fully managed, Oracle-compatible Postgres database. These updates manifest as an expansion in the way EDB enterprise customers purchase and manage their Postgres databases, further enabling organizations to deploy Postgres anywhere that fits their business strategy.

LicenseFortress, a provider of software license management solutions, is updating its ArxPlatform in response to the challenges posed by the recent Oracle Java licensing changes. According to the company, these enhancements will provide organizations with comprehensive solutions to navigate the evolving Java licensing landscape and mitigate the risks associated with rising Java audits.

Mendix, a Siemens business and global provider of modern enterprise application development, is releasing Mendix 10, introducing a host of innovations that empower organizations to meet unprecedented demand for software by enabling shifts in enterprise-wide digital solution delivery.

Many companies have been focusing on AI this year as new technologies and solutions have emerged that promise to leave organizations in the dust if they aren't paying attention. Behind all the wonders that AI brings, however, is the workhorse that must be attended behind the scenes—databases and associated data environments.
