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Five Minute Briefing - MultiValue
March 25, 2020

A comprehensive monthly publication filled with news and insight serving the MultiValue database community.

News Flashes

As phone technology evolves, so does MultiValue and Bluefinity is providing various options and features for a new era of smart phones and devices. Evoke provides the flexibility for SQL and MV companies to choose how they want to deploy their apps now with the option to change direction as conditions or circumstances change.

With a new year and a new decade just beginning, MultiValue leaders are anticipating new opportunities for this well-established technology. There are many issues to consider, including what customers are currently looking for in their MV solutions, whether MV is ready for AI, and the impact of cloud, security, and privacy concerns. In this annual MultiValue Special Report, DBTA asks MV executives this two pronged question: As we enter 2020, what will spark the next set of trends in the MultiValue space for the decade ahead, and is your MV platform ready to address new demands?

Pulsiam is a public safety software company headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Pulsiam has installed the SafetyNet suite of public safety software at more than 90 locations worldwide, serving nearly one hundred million people. With the assistance of Rocket Software, Pulsiam has been able to expand its operations and update existing infrastructure for years, according to Henry Unger, CEO of Pulsiam.

Think About It

Organizations have progressively pushed more infrastructure from on-premise data centers into cloud data centers. Some of this is driven by the desire to reduce costs, but more often than not, organi­zations are realizing that the infrastruc­ture required for the level of connectiv­ity, data growth, and analytics needed for success in a modern organization is well beyond the reach of homegrown infrastructure.
