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April 2016

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Trends and Applications

Ever wonder what happened to artificial intelligence? It's gotten easier and more accessible. In fact, AI's been embedded into some of the most fundamental aspects of data management, making those critical data-driven processes more celeritous and manageable. Best of all, AI is directly responsible for producing this effect for end users—those who rely on data most to do their jobs.

Successful data-driven organizations are differentiated by the fact that they recognize the need for new tools and technologies that support data visualization, and enable a visual culture of data discovery in its people, processes, and technologies.

Virtualized Oracle databases, just like all virtual machines, share physical server resources with other virtual machines running on the same hypervisor. We'll call virtual machines that reside on the same hypervisor "siblings." VM sibling rivalries occur due to resource shortages caused by improper virtual machine placement. Databases generally have more severe ramifications when resource shortages occur than other virtualized applications, making good sibling behavior crucial for your Oracle databases.

Columns - Big Data Notes

It's become almost a standard career path in Silicon Valley: A talented engineer creates a valuable open source software commodity inside of a larger organization, then leaves that company to create a new startup to commercialize the open source product. Indeed, this is virtually the plot line for the hilarious HBO comedy series, Silicon Valley. Jay Krepes, a well-known engineer at LinkedIn and creator of the NoSQL database system, Voldemort, has such a story.

Columns - Database Elaborations

The traditional information engineering approach advocates the placement of as much business logic as possible inside the database management system (DBMS). But, more recently, under the umbrella of service-oriented architecture (SOA), folks are arguing for placement of that business logic in a layer of code outside the DBMS. Occasionally, those who favor locating business logic outside the DBMS have even gone so far as to say that this logic "naturally" belongs in a non-DBMS-supported layer.

Columns - DBA Corner

When users require access to multiple databases on multiple servers distributed across different physical locations, database security administration can become quite complicated. The commands must be repeated for each database, and there is no central repository for easily modifying and deleting user security settings on multiple databases simultaneously. At a high level, database security boils down to answering four questions.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

What makes an IT organization static or dynamic? What triggers an organization to move from one to the other? The transformation is not easy and it certainly does not happen quickly. These questions can also be asked at a personal level. As an IT professional, are you more likely to be static or dynamic?

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

Microsoft has been on a tear for the past couple of years. It has been pushing forward with a very steady stream of powerful new features and capabilities, even entire product lines, within its Data Platform business. But while Microsoft has been hard at work on this deluge of new technologies, it would be completely forgivable if you haven't noticed. The reason it's OK is that Microsoft is advancing on multiple fronts, both in the on-premises product line and even more dramatically with the Azure cloud-based products.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

It seems every week there is another data breach in the news, which translates to millions and millions of personal records, credit card numbers, and other pieces of confidential information stolen each month. The victims of these breaches include important companies with professional IT staff. Now, you may be thinking: "Shouldn't the network guys be responsible for security?"

MV Community

Revelation Software is releasing tools and bug fixes for its OpenInsight Platform, empowering developers with a reliable MultiValue solution. To help OpenInsight system administrators manage linear hash tables, Revelation is releasing a reporting and resizing tool called RTI_LH_STATISTICS. In addition to fix a variety of issues in OpenInsight 9.4, Revelation is releasing a "roll up" patch that includes all the previous fixes for Openinsight 9.4

Rocket Software will present its annual MV TechDay on April 15 in Phoenix, Arizona, providing an opportunity for developers, architects, and IT staff to discuss how to extend their applications by leveraging the latest development environments.

Zumasys is updating its jBASE platform, modernizing the platform for developers and improving a variety of well-known features. jBASE 5.5 will feature new improvements such as a system manager feature that allows users to provide any non-MultiValue team member access to critical data and system administration.
