
Product Spotlight: Navicat


Navicat is an industry-leading and award-winning database management and development solution. Our first product—Navicat for MySQL—was launched in 2002. To help our users stay competitive in today’s business world, we continue to improve our products and add new database support. Today, our top-rated prod-uct, Navicat Premium, supports 7 databases within a single application, including MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, SQLite,Oracle and PostgreSQL, and supports 12 languages.

Navicat Monitor is our new product line. “We know how hard and important it is to monitor your database performance,” said Ken Lin, CEO at PremiumSoft. “With Navicat Monitor, we want our users to be able to keep track of how their database is used and alerted if there are any threshold breaches so as to ensure their database performs to the highest standards. Now, Navicat Monitor supports MySQL and MariaDB databases. We will continue to add new database support and new features in the future.”

With more than 16 years of providing database management solutions and more than 40% of Fortune 500 companies counting on Navicat every day, we will continue to offer world-class customer support and exciting new features. We are always working on new features and innovations to help your business gain a competitive edge.

Download a free 14-day free trial of:

Navicat Premium:
Navicat for MongoDB:
Navicat Monitor:

Navicat is the choice of over 3 million database users all around the world. Over 160,000 registered customers across
7 continents and 138 countries have chosen our products.
