
Register for IOUG’s Free Security Webinars This May

IOUG's new Online Education Series gets you and your team remote access to ‘unfiltered' education from customers who have navigated real-world enterprise security technical and business challenges. Register for our upcoming Webinars, free for IOUG members:

A Journey Through Enterprise Database Security for DBAs
Wednesday, May 12, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. CT

This presentation is intended for Database Administrators. It will detail the enterprise database security requirements, regulatory requirements and monitoring of databases.

Secure Your Database in a Day
Arup Nanda, Starwood Hotels
Wednesday, May 19, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. CT

In this Webcast, we will explore why you should set the admin_restrictions in listener; why you should change some executable permissions in the bin directory, e.g. "oracle," "tnslsnr," etc; how the Oracle two-task model works and why that is important in sealing vulnerabilities; how you can prevent buffer overflow risk in listener in many cases; how you set up a simple session auditing to identify CPU brute force attacks, password expirations, CPU usage, I/O usage, etc; how you can build a simple, but effective check against brute force attacks; and why you should never set the "utl_file_dir."

Members can register for these Webinars for free. Non-members can purchase the series for $49 in the IOUG Store after the series takes place, or join to receive access to the series and all IOUG benefits.
