
Turbo-Charging Linux Applications with POWER

The TurboLAMP initiative is a first step toward enabling the LAMP stack to become more robust. 
In a new blog post, IBM’s Loc Thai writes about the TurboLAMP stack, a high performance LAMP stack, offering the performance and scalability required for demanding cloud, mobile, and big data solutions. “The stack consists of Power Systems with POWER8 from IBM, high speed data transfer capabilities from Mellanox, PowerKVM virtualization, Ubuntu little endian Linux, database technology from MariaDB, and PHP application engine from Zend,” he explains. The goal with this combination is “to make the LAMP stack both more secure and more scalable so that it can cope with the volume and scalability required by new applications and uses.”

Read the full article, “Turbo-Charge Your Linux Applications with POWER,” here. 
