
Exploring the Options with Cognitive Computing at Data Summit 2019

There is a new era of cognitive computing unfolding, and its impact is already being felt across industries, in uses as varied as preventative maintenance tasks at manufacturing plants, improving diagnoses at hospitals, and the implementation of sophisticated chatbots ready to assist us.

Sue FeldmanTo explore the world of smart technologies, Sue Feldman will co-present a 3-hour workshop and participate in a panel discussion at Data Summit 2019. Feldman is president of Synthexis, a consulting firm that provides business advisory services to vendors and buyers of cognitive computing, search, and text analytics technologies, and is also a co-founder of the Cognitive Computing Consortium, a forum for practitioners, researchers, and vendors of cognitive systems to exchange ideas, promote cognitive computing, and discuss its use.

Feldman will be joined by co-presenter, David Bayer, executive director of the Cognitive Computing Consortium.

“Cognitive Computing 101,” a 3-hour pre-conference workshop before Data Summit 2019 in Boston, will be offered on Monday, May 20 at 1:30 pm. 

Over the last few years, Feldman has been engaged in work to develop a framework for cognitive computing as well as a series of decision tools to help people understand the tradeoffs they have to make in deciding what kind of cognitive computing application they require. Commenting that there is no generic, “plain vanilla cognitive computing,” Feldman explained that cognitive computing tools have a very particular purpose since they are words- and meaning-based to ensure their accuracy. For example, she noted, if you are trying to answer questions in a cognitive computing application, it is going to be tuned very differently for accuracy, as opposed to a  drug exploration cognitive computing application.

The result is that the challenge of building cognitive systems and applications that can perform specific, human-like tasks in an intelligent way is far from easy. This workshop is designed to help attendees understand how cognitive computing works, popular use cases, and best practices that IT leaders and practitioners can apply today.

Feldman and Bayer will continue the examination of cognitive computing options and choices during a panel discussion as part of the Cognitive Computing & AI Summit, a 2-day immersion into  leading cognitive computing and AI use cases, strategies and technologies at Data Summit 2019. Tom Wilde, CEO, Indico; and Steven Cohen, COO, co-founder, Basis Technology will also participate in this panel discussion. 

The session, titled “Ethical Considerations of AI Technologies,” will take place on Wednesday, May 22, from 3 pm to 3:45 p.m.

The panel discussion will present a number of the social, ethical, and legal issues that computing advances have been raised. Security, privacy, decision making by humans versus machines, self-driving vehicles, how to avoid bias, and the effects on labor markets and industries are some of the provocative areas to be considered.  The aim is to present a balanced discussion of what is real, what is hype, and what people really need to think about to craft practical approaches to these issues.

DBTA’s Data Summit 2019 conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Boston, May 21-22, with pre-conference workshops on Monday, May 20.

Access to Cognitive Computing & AI Summit is included when attendees register for an All Access or Full Two-Day Conference Pass or as a stand alone registration option. View all the registration options here
