Newsletters Launches Analytics Solution with Modified Search Capabilities, a company that offers ELK (Elasticsearch Logstash and Kibana) as a cloud service, is introducing a new analytics solution that combines machine learning technology with human experience.

The new solution, called Cognitive Insights, aims to help companies give their customers a better experience by uncovering data issues before they become problems.

Cognitive Insights will use Unified Machine Intelligence (UMI), which leverages machine learning, to provide search results for companies in a manner similar to popular services such as Google search or Amazon recommendations.

Additionally, UMI learns the way users interact with the results provided in order to offer the most relevant information to the unique circumstances.

Operations teams will benefit the most from this, according to Tomer Levy, CEO of

Future plans for the platform include expanding it to connect to more data to give users a more comprehensive picture of their data.

For more information about Cognitive Insights, visit
