
Revelation Software Moves Forward With OpenInsight 10.0

Revelation Software continues development on the next major release of OpenInsight, Revelation’s flagship database development suite. “We are going down two tracks on the development of the product – one is 64-bit support and the other is the redesigned presentation manager. These two different avenues will coincide and that is why the development is taking some time. We are still targeting Q4 of 2014 for this product to be released,” said Robert Catalano, director of sales at Revelation Software.
“OpenInsight 10 will have a completely redesigned presentation layer for the OpenInsight GUI and that is going to look like a brand new product as well as provide new functionality under the covers," said Catalano. "The Forms Designer is going to be rewritten and it is going to have a Microsoft Visual Studio look and feel to the development side of the product as well and modern graphic capabilities,” added Catalano.
The Microsoft Visual Studio look and feel it will provide a developer’s interface that looks similar. “It is an environment that developers of today and tomorrow are used to. We will continue to support our legacy users but we will completely modernize the product so that it will appeal to all developers, including those just coming out of school,” explained Catalano.
In addition, Revelation Software is positioning OpenInsight as a NoSQL database, said Catalano.  With OpenInsight 10.0 Revelation is using its connector technology to facilitate data storage in a NoSQL database cloud and the one that Revelation is starting with as a prototype will be Couchbase Server.
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