
Teradata Launches IoT Analytics Accelerators

Teradata unveiled four powerful accelerators that will speed up the transformation of Internet of Things (IoT) data to actionable insight.

“Sensor data is very messy, complex, and diverse so a lot of companies that are even mature from an analytics stand point find working with sensor data a whole other animal,” said Chad Meley, vice president of marketing.

Teradata created “Analytics of Things Accelerators” (AoTAs) which are comprised of technology-agnostic intellectual property (IP) and professional services.

These are approaches proven to reduce implementation cost and risk, accelerate time to value, and drive business returns far greater than the initial investments, according to the company.

The new Teradata AoTAs include a Condition-Based Maintenance Accelerator, which continuously monitors and analyzes asset data from remote devices or equipment at scale to increase availability, improve safety, and reduce costs; a Manufacturing Performance Optimization Accelerator, which identifies complex production problems across equipment performance and availability for quick corrective action; a Sensor Data Qualification Accelerator, which automates recommendations on the optimal frequency of sensor readings based on relevant anomaly patterns; and a Visual Anomaly Prospector Accelerator, which mines large amounts of multidimensional time series (MTS) data from remotely monitored equipment and devices, and visually helps an end user discover anomaly patterns that frequently precede a key event.

“Teradata has been talking about our transformation over the last several years and when we look at historically when is Teradata at its best…what we’ve been able to really do great for decades is capture learning for clients,” Meley said.

More accelerators will be added in the future to address different types of business problems common in the IoT space, Meley said.

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