
Always Stay Connected with SHARE

Start connecting with SHARE by utilizing SHARE's social networking forums. SHARE now has a presence on the following social forums so that you are always in the know about what is going on at SHARE and in the industry:


  • LinkedIn: Join the SHARE group and get connected with more than 100 enterprise IT professionals from around the globe. You will also receive updates regarding SHARE's next conference in Seattle and other enterprise IT educational opportunities. Search "SHARE Inc" to find us quickly.
  • Facebook: Post items to the SHARE Facebook wall, share enterprise IT-related articles and find the latest in SHARE in Seattle-related news. Simply log into Facebook and search for "SHARE Inc."

• Twitter: Stay updated on SHARE in Seattle, get sneak-peeks of upcoming communications and tune in to updates during the conference - and beyond!

To learn more about SHARE, and the upcoming conference in Seattle, visit SHARE's Web site today.
