
DBA Corner - A Data-Tinged Look Back at 2010

By Craig S. Mullins

As my regular readers know, toward the end of each year I devote an edition of my column to review the significant data and database-related events of the past year.As my regular readers know, toward the end of each year I devote an edition of my column to review the significant data and database-related events of the past year. Of course, to meet my deadlines, the column is written before the year is over (this column is being written in November 2010), so please excuse any significant news that may have happened late in the year!

In the first quarter of the 2010 the biggest story was the end of a story begun the previous year - namely, Oracle closing its acquisition of Sun Microsystems. And Oracle's CEO, Larry Ellison claimed that "Our vision for 2010 is the same as IBM's in the 1960s." He talked about how IBM integrated software with its hardware offerings and sold the combination to customers. Oracle's vision for the data center would be the Sun M9000 running Oracle 11g database, Oracle's business applications and Fusion middleware. And Oracle will certify that everything will work together and be optimized for performance. An ambitious plan, but potentially quite lucrative if Oracle is successful. Full article.

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