
Product Spotlight: Navicat


Navicat is the leading and award winning database administration solution that make your database management more efficient and easier than ever. At Navicat, we understand what time means to our customers and we’ve put a strong focus on developing a solution to help you stay competitive in today’s business world.

We offer the first complete database administration tool for iOS users and have introduced Navicat Cloud—allowing you to manage your databases anywhere you go, and nothing can ever stand in your way again. In the latest version, Navicat Cloud brings real-time cloud collaboration, and enables your teammates to create and edit the same project together, keeping your team productive and to collaborate effectively and efficiently.

All about innovation

Navicat is all about innovation. One of its top-rated products, Navicat Premium, allows you to access 6 databases all-in-one, including MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. It’s also compatible with Drizzle, OurDelta, and Percona Server, and supports Cloud Databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, SQL Azure, Oracle Cloud and Google Cloud. No matter which databases you are using, Navicat promises to provide a reliable and achievable solution.

With a rich history in providing database administration solutions, Navicat has been downloaded over 3 million times and has a customer base of over 150,000 users, including numerous Fortune 500 companies, such as Apple Inc., Google Inc., Oracle, eBay, JP Morgan, and many more. We will continue to offer world-class customer support and exciting new features. We are always working on new features and innovations to give your business the competitive edge.

